Restaurants/Bars/Coffeehouses/Food Stores

Fed Up

Entry in progress -- B.P, Free Merriam-Webster Dictionaryfed up adj Definition of FED UP: tired, sated, or disgusted beyond endurance First Known Use of FED UP1900 The Free Dictionaryfed…

Fed Whisperer

Jon Hilsenrath reports on the Federal Reserve for The Wall Street Journal. Because Hilsenrath has many sources within the Federal Reserve, his nickname became the "Fed Whisperer" --…

Fedology (Fedologist)

The Fed (Federal Reserve) is closely watched by many in the financial community. The names "Fedology" and "Fedologist" have applied to Fed watchers since at least 1971, but…


"Fedspeak" (also "Fed-speak" and "Fed speak") is when the Federal Reserve says something -- especially through its chairman. Alan Greenspan was Chairman of the Federal…