Federal Censorship Commission (Federal Communications Commission or FCC nickname)

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was created in 1934 to regulate broadcasting (especially radio and television). Some critics maintain that the FCC’s broadcast standards of what is and what isn’t acceptable makes it a bureau that censors speech.
The FCC nickname “Federal Censorship Commission” has been cited in print since at least 1971. The FCC nickname “Federal Communist Commission” has been cited in print since at least 2001.
Wikipedia: Federal Communications Commission
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States government, created, Congressional statute (see 47 U.S.C. § 151 and 47 U.S.C. § 154), and with the majority of its commissioners appointed by the current President. The FCC works towards six goals in the areas of broadband, competition, the spectrum, the media, public safety and homeland security, and modernizing the FCC.
The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 as the successor to the Federal Radio Commission and is charged with regulating all non-federal government use of the radio spectrum (including radio and television broadcasting), and all interstate telecommunications (wire, satellite and cable) as well as all international communications that originate or terminate in the United States. It is an important factor in U.S. telecommunication policy. The FCC took over wire communication regulation from the Interstate Commerce Commission. The FCC’s mandated jurisdiction covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions. However, the FCC also provides varied degrees of cooperation, oversight, and leadership for similar communications bodies in other countries of North America. The FCC has an estimated 2011 budget of US$335.8 million which is entirely funded by regulatory fees, and has a proposed budget of US$354.2 million for 2012, which will also be fully derived from regulatory fees. It has 1,898 “full-time equivalent” federal employees.
What does FCC stand for?
FCC Federal Censorship Commission
25 August 1971, Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, WI), “Today’s Mail,” sec. 1, pg. 1, col. 2:
Sirs—Herbert Anderson’s salute (Today’s Mail, Aug. 15) to TC commentator Ed Newman for silencing George Jessel should bless us with yet another federal regulatory agency.
We presently have the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to guarantee equal time for the expression of opposing viewpoints.
If the Eddie Newmans are to be given their heads we’ll need a second FCC (Federal Censorship Commission) to guarantee equal suppression of conflicting viewpoints, won’t we?—Imogene Cashmore, Gays Mills, Wis.
31 October 1979, Wall Street Journal, “FCC to Offer Options to Setting Minimum of Time for ‘Educational’ Children’s TV”:
“We don’t want to be charged with being the federal censorship commission.”
Google News Archive
13 June 1984, Lodi (CA) News-Sentinel, “End federal censorship” by Doug Bandow, pg. 4, col. 2:
Biaggi wants to take away the licenses of TV stations if they portray ethnic groups, such as italians, in a demeaning fashion. To monitor the broadcasters, he would establish an Office of Ethnic Affairs in the Federal Communications Commission, moving the FCC one step closer to becoming the Federal Censorship Commission.
Google Books
Media USA:
Process and Effect

By Arthur Asa Berger
New York, NY: Longman
Pg. 503:
As I see it, and I disagree with Mr. Cowan, who preceded me, on many subjects, and I agree with him on some — as I see it, that notwithstanding the first amendment, and notwithstanding section 326, the Federal Communications Commission might truly be named the Federal Censorship Commission.
31 January 1994, Palm Beach (FL) Post, “To FCC, not all ‘Private Parts’ offensive,” pg. 11A:
The FCC (Federal Censorship Commission) has slapped huge fines on Howard Stern of Private Parts fame for so-called indecency.
26 November 1997, Tampa (FL) Tribune, “Pirate radio supporters reclaim spot on thje dial”:
They carried signs that read, among other things, “Federal Censorship Commission,” “Nazis Raped Us” and “What Good is Free Speech if You Can’t Hear Us?”
June 15, 2004
FCC—Federal Censorship Commission
By Sean Turner
The recent record-setting $2 million settlement between Clear Channel Communications Inc. and the FCC should come as no surprise to those cognizant of the increasing regulatory grip of the federal government over the affairs of the businesses and citizens within its purview.
Center for Citizen Media Blog
Federal Censorship Commission
Mar 16th, 2006 by Dan Gillmor.
The FCC’s censorship moves are a danger to everyone’s freedom of expression, not just the hapless broadcasters.
FCC Federal Censorship Commission
April 6th, 2011 |  Author: Zeke
Now that the FCC has their foot in the internet looks like they are heading after cell phones.