Federal Bureau of Intimidation (Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI nickname)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was founded in 1908 and conducts federal criminal and intelligence investigations. Many people have questioned the FBI’s methods and tactics and have dubbed the agency the “Federal Bureau of Intimidation.”
“In view of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s high-handed methods toward labor and progressives, I think the more appropriate name for them is the Federal Bureau of Intimidation. It fits very well! B. D.” was printed in the Daily Worker (New York, NY) on March 21, 1940. “They’re saying now that F.B.I. stands for Federal Bureau of Intimidation” was printed in the Daily Worker (New York, NY) on June 24, 1949. “Federal Bureau of Intimidation” by Howard Zinn was printed in the Covert Action Quarterly, Winter 1993-1994. “The FBI Is Now The Federal Bureau Of Intimidation” by Frank Miele was printed in RealClearPolitics.com on August 15, 2022.
The FBI has also been nicknamed “Fake Bureau of Investigation,” “Famous But Incompetent,” “Fascist Bastards Incorporated,” “Fascist Bureau of Investigation,” “Fat Bitches Incorporated,” “Favoritism Before Integrity,” “FBLie,” “Federal Bastards Incorporated,” “Federal Bullshit Investigations,” “Federal Bureau of Incompetency,” “Federal Bureau of Insurrectionists,” “Federal Bureau of Political Investigation,” “Female Body Inspector,” “Fix Be In,” “Following Biden’s Instructions,” “Fucking Bastards Incorporated,” “Fucking Bitches Incorporated,” “Fucking Bunch of Idiots,” “Full Blown Idiots” and “Fumbling, Bumbling Idiots.”
Wikipedia: Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), formerly the Bureau of Investigation (BOI), is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, and its principal federal law enforcement agency. Operating under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI is also a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community and reports to both the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence. A leading U.S. counter-terrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal investigative organization, the FBI has jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes.
21 March 1940, Daily Worker (New York, NY), “Letters From Our Readers,” pg. 6, col. 6:
‘Federal Bureau of Intimidation’
New York City.
Editor, Daily Worker:
In view of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s high-handed methods toward labor and progressives, I think the more appropriate name for them is the Federal Bureau of Intimidation. It fits very well!
B. D.
24 June 1949, Daily Worker (New York, NY), “Point of Order” by Alan Max, pg. 3, col. 1:
They’re saying now that F.B.I. stands for Federal Bureau of Intimidation.
28 August 1950, The Militant (New York, NY),  “Buick Local Fights Frame-up Firing” by Emmett Moore, pg. 4, col. 5:
The move against Blassingame comes on the heels of a series of releases to the press by the local office of the Federal Bureau of Intimidation (FBI).
11 July 1958,  The News (Frederick, MD), “Congressional Viewpoint,” pg. 10, col. 2:
He promises that the next step in the enactment of the program of the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee will be directed—“...against the F.B.I.—the Federal Bureau of Intimidation—under that man J. Edgar Hoover.”
(Spoken by Corliss Lamont, Vice Chairman of the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee.—ed.)
4 January 1971, High Point (NC) Enterprise, “Play It Again, Sam” by Sam Bridgers, pg. 2B, col. 1:
The source of my information must remain secret, but let me just say that it was a high-ranking official, close to Federal Bureau of Intimidation head J. Egbert Humbug.
20 April 1971, Daily Chronicle (DeKalb, IL), pg. 1, col. 1:
FBI Becoming ‘Federal Bureau of Intimidation’ Says McGovern
Executive Editor
DEKALB—Continuing his attack on FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover last night Presidential hopeful George McGovern (D-South Dakota) said the Federal Bureau of Investigation is becoming the “Federal Bureau of Intimidation.”
History Is a Weapon
(Originally published in Covert Action Quarterly, Winter 1993-1994.—ed.)
Federal Bureau of Intimidation
by Howard Zinn
I thought it would be good to talk about the FBI because they talk about us. They don’t like to be talked about. They don’t even like the fact that you’re listening to them being talked about. They are very sensitive people. If you look into the history of the FBI and Martin Luther King-which now has become notorious in that totally notorious history of the FBI- the FBI attempted to neutralize, perhaps kill him, perhaps get him to commit suicide, certainly to destroy him as a leader of black people in the United States. And if you follow the progression of that treatment of King, it starts, not even with the Montgomery Bus Boycott; it starts when King begins to criticize the FBI. You see, then suddenly Hoover’s ears, all four of them, perk up. And he says, okay, we have to start working on King.

Google Groups: alt.activism.d
Federal Bureau of Intimidation
Mar 24, 1995, 3:19:10 AM
“I thought it would be good to talk about the FBI because they talk about us. They don’t like to be talked about….”
Federal Bureau of Intimidation
by Howard Zinn
Covert Action Quarterly
is presented in its entirety on MediaFilter on the World Wide Web at
28 May 1995, The Salt Lake Tribune, (Salt Lake City, UT), pg. A-16, col. 1:
Some Fear a Stronger FBI Will Become a Federal Bureau of Intimidation
By Ted Cilwick
Zero Hedge
The FBI Is Now The Federal Bureau Of Intimidation
MONDAY, AUG 15, 2022 - 06:55 PM
Authored by Frank Miele via RealClearPolitics.com,
Nothing symbolizes the decline of the American republic better than the weaponization of justice that we saw last week when the FBI raided the home of former President Trump.
And nothing better represents the divide that now exists between Democrats and Republicans than the fact that some people still have faith in the FBI.
Aren’t they paying attention? Heck, that’s like a citizen of the old Soviet Union saying they had faith in the KGB – yeah, to crush dissent and lock up opponents of the regime in a Siberian gulag.
The evidence is overwhelming. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is now the Federal Bureau of Intimidation. Or more appropriately, the Federal Intimidation Bureau, whose acronym would spell out FIB, as in the Big Lie. Face it, nothing the FBI has said for the last six years since they joined with the Democratic Party to invent the Russia collusion hoax can be taken seriously.
Is there any need to go through the whole laundry list of lies and fabrications that the FBI, with the aid and comfort of the Justice Department, has foisted on the American public?