Fedology (Fedologist)

The Fed (Federal Reserve) is closely watched by many in the financial community. The names “Fedology” and “Fedologist” have applied to Fed watchers since at least 1971, but became more widely used by 2004.
The intricate workings of the Fed have been compared to the old Soviet Union and the terms Kremlinology/Kremlinologist.
30 December 1971, Christian Science Monitor, “‘Fed-ologists’ scan impact of monetarism” by David R. Francis, Financial, pg. 8:
One of the more arcane arts, by economists and financial men, might be called “Fed-ology.”
Thus a sizable crowd of “Fed-ologists” turned out here Monday to hear Andrew F. Brimmer, a Governor of the Fed a member of the Open Market Committee.
Google Books
U.S. News & World Report
Volume 102, Issues 1-2
Pg. 49:
Fedologists will study what the chairman says about inflation, the dollar and growth much more closely than the new money-growth targets presented then.
Investment Week
Blowing bubbles
23 Feb 2004 | 00:00
So, Fedologists concluded, we can equate ‘patience’ with ‘considerable period’.
Los Angeles (CA) Times
Warning Signs on the Economy
November 23, 2004
Re “Greenspan Issues Warning on Dollar,” Nov. 20: The tea leaf readings of the “fedologists” who try to decode the nuances of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s turgid pronouncements disclose something that was suspiciously muted during the recent electoral campaign.
Gilbert Dewart
Chicago Real Estate Blog
Monday, June 06, 2005
Real estate rates fall after Fed official drops ‘bomb’
But more rate hikes expected

A peculiar confluence of weak data and goofy Fedology suddenly knocked the 10-year T-note below 4 percent, which in turn took mortgages under 5.5 percent.
New York (NY) Times
Looking Ahead
Published: March 20, 2006
Fedologists will also keep a keen ear trained on the chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, as he addresses the Economics Club of New York with a little number he likes to call “Reflections on the Yield Curve and Monetary Policy.” (Monday.)
Democratic Underground
Thu Jun-15-06 04:18 PM
3. Welcome to Fedology. It’s just like Kremlinology.
Zero Hedge
Chaos in the Land of Oz
Submitted by ilene on 10/12/2011 20:56 -0400
Last week, Elliott and I interviewed Russ Winter of Winter Watch at Wall Street Examiner about his take on the markets and the economy.
Elliott: I remember back in the 70s, there were people who were “Kremlinologists” and “Kremlin watchers” and so it seems now that in order to be an investor you have to be a “Fedologist.”