Federal Bureau of Political Investigation (Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI nickname)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been perceived by many to have a political agenda to its investigations. “@FBI Name Change Suggestion: FBPIMM - Federal Bureau of Political Investigation Mostly Males” was posted on Twitter on April 18, 2016. “It’s NOT the Federal Bureau of Political Investigation. It DOES include CRIMINAL POLITICIANS though. #LockHerUp” was posted on Twitter on October 20, 2016.
Andrew Napolitano, a syndicated columnist and Fox News judicial analyst, popularied the nickname with the column “The Federal Bureau of Political Investigation” on November 17, 2016.
The FBI has also been nicknamed “Fake Bureau of Investigation,” “Famous But Incompetent,” “Fascist Bastards Incorporated,” “Fascist Bureau of Investigation,” “Fat Bitches Incorporated,” “Favoritism Before Integrity,” “FBLie,” “Federal Bastards Incorporated,” “Federal Bullshit Investigations,” “Federal Bureau of Incompetency,” “Federal Bureau of Insurrectionists,” “Federal Bureau of Intimidation,” “Female Body Inspector,” “Fix Be In,” “Following Biden’s Instructions,” “Fucking Bastards Incorporated,” “Fucking Bitches Incorporated,” “Fucking Bunch of Idiots,” “Full Blown Idiots” and “Fumbling, Bumbling Idiots.”
Wikipedia: Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, which simultaneously serves as the nation’s prime federal law enforcement agency. Operating under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI is concurrently a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community and reports to both the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence. A leading U.S. counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal investigative organization, the FBI has jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes.
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@FBI Name Change Suggestion: FBPIMM - Federal Bureau of Political Investigation Mostly Males
1:17 PM - 18 Apr 2016
Joey Valentine
It’s NOT the Federal Bureau of Political Investigation. It DOES include CRIMINAL POLITICIANS though. #LockHerUp
8:49 AM - 30 Oct 2016
Is it really now the Federal Bureau of Political Investigation?
10:12 PM - 1 Nov 2016
The Federal Bureau of Political Investigation
By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
November 17, 2016
When Hillary Clinton delivered a campaign post-mortem to her major supporters in a telephone conference call late last week, she blamed her loss in the presidential election on FBI Director James Comey. She should have blamed the loss on herself. Her refusal to safeguard state secrets while she was secretary of state and her failure to grasp the nationwide resentment toward government by the forgotten folks in the middle class were far likelier the cause of her defeat than was Comey.
Socrates Wilde
Beware the Secret Police: @Judgenap on the Federal Bureau of Political Investigation. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2016/11/andrew-p-napolitano/beware-secret-police/ … @lewrockwell
12:09 AM - 18 Nov 2016