Fraud Street (Wall Street nickname)
"Wall Street is looking more and more like Fraud Street," was printed on the June 17, 2002 New York (NY) Post, describing WorldCom and other major business scandals. The nickname…
"Wall Street is looking more and more like Fraud Street," was printed on the June 17, 2002 New York (NY) Post, describing WorldCom and other major business scandals. The nickname…
"Fraudacity" (fraud + audacity) is sometimes used to parody Barack Obama's 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope. On October 17, 2008, Karl Denninger wrote on "The Fraudacity of…
"Fraudclosure" (fraud + foreclosure) became a popular term in October 2010, when it was discovered that many banks starting the foreclosure process were doing so using fraudulent or…
Freddie Mac signifies the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC). The FHLMC was formed in 1970 and "Freddie Mac" has been cited in print since at least January 1971. In 1997,…
The "Free Shit Army" (FSA) is a name used by James Quinn on the blog The Market Oracle, on October 11, 2010, to describe the great masses who want something for free. This can include…
"Brexit” (Great Britain/British + exit) is a word created to define a possible British exit from the eurozone. "Brexit" has been cited in print since at least May 2012. A similar…
"Fun-durr-mentals" (from the word "fundamentals") was coined by the financial blog Zero Hedge on December 10, 2013. "Durr" means "duh" and…
"Funemployment" (fun + unemployment) usually refers to a young person without family obligations, who experiences a layoff or a release from an unexciting job, and who uses unemployment…
"Generation Debt" refers to a generation of young citizens who will have to pay off crushing personal college debts and a crushing federal debt, all while trying to find a good job in a…
"Gerxit” (Germany/German + exit) is a word created to define a possible German exit from the eurozone. "Gerexit" has been cited in print since at least May 2012. "Grexit"…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Get-rich-quick schemeA get-rich-quick scheme is a plan to acquire high rates of return for a small investment. Most such schemes promise that participants can…
Tina Brown, journalist and the founder and editor of The Daily Beast, wrote the "The Gig Economy" for that online publication on January 12, 2009. "To people I know in the bottom…
Ginnie Mae signifies the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA). The GNMA was established in 1968 and "Ginnie Mae" has been cited in print since at least February 1968. Ginnie…
"Giving Tuesday" (the Tuesday after Thanksiving) was founded by Manhattan's 92nd Street Y in 2012, similar to days such as Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. In…
Goldfellas (2009) is a short video spoof, created by comedian Matt Rittberg, of the film Goodfellas (1990) and the financial firm of Goldman Sachs. "Godfellas" is a term that was used in…
Goldman Sachs is a financial firm that's headquartered at 200 West Street in Manhattan. Some critics (who believe that Goldman Sachs unfairly manipulates financial markets and transactions)…
GoFundMe is an American for-profit crowdfunding platform. In 2022, GoFundMe was criticized for removing Canada's Freedom Convoy of truckers from its platform. A GoFundMe nickname is…
GoFundMe is an American for-profit crowdfunding platform. In 2022, GoFundMe was criticized for removing Canada's Freedom Convoy of truckers from its platform. A GoFundMe nickname is…
GoFundMe is an American for-profit crowdfunding platform. In 2022, GoFundMe was criticized for removing Canada's Freedom Convoy of truckers from its platform. A GoFundMe nickname is…
GoFundMe is an American for-profit crowdfunding platform. In 2022, GoFundMe was criticized for removing Canada's Freedom Convoy of truckers from its platform. A GoFundMe nickname is…