Gig Economy

Tina Brown, journalist and the founder and editor of The Daily Beast, wrote the “The Gig Economy” for that online publication on January 12, 2009. “To people I know in the bottom income brackets, living paycheck to paycheck, the Gig Economy has been old news for years,” Brown wrote.
In a “gig economy,” people are no longer full-time employees, but they must take one or more part-time jobs, or “gigs.” The term “gig economy” became popular in 2014 and 2015, when employers tried to cut down on the health care costs of full-time employees under the new Affordable Care Act by hiring part-time workers.
The Daily Beast
01.12.09 12:34 AM ET
The Gig Economy
By Tina Brown
Now that everyone has a project-to-project freelance career, everyone is a hustler.
No one I know has a job anymore. They’ve got Gigs.
Gigs: a bunch of free-floating projects, consultancies, and part-time bits and pieces they try and stitch together to make what they refer to wryly as “the Nut”—the sum that allows them to hang on to the apartment, the health-care policy, the baby sitter, and the school fees.
To people I know in the bottom income brackets, living paycheck to paycheck, the Gig Economy has been old news for years.
Google Books
The Fuzzy Firm: The New Networked Organization in the Gig Economy
Arjan Van den Born
On Demand Publishing, LLC-Create Space, Jan 8, 2013 - Organizational change - 160 pages
New York (NY) Times
Freelancers in the ‘Gig Economy’ Find a Mix of Freedom and Uncertainty
“The Working Life” by RACHEL L. SWARNS
FEB. 9, 2014
But whether this “gig economy” will truly benefit men and women like Mr. Springer remains uncertain. Twenty-nine percent of the union’s New York City members earn less than $25,000 a year, statistics show. In 2010, 12 percent of members nationally received some form of public assistance.
Word Spy
Posted: February 18, 2015
gig economy
n. The economic sector consisting of freelancers who take on a series of small jobs, particularly when those jobs are contracted online using a website or app.
by CHRISS W. STREET 15 Jun 2015 Newport Beach, CA17
The “gig economy” is the term for corporations embracing the “on demand economy,” “collaborative consumption” and “sharing economy” bandwagons to restructure “work” into small projects of limited duration so that big business can justify legally dumping employees and hiring contractors. With employee benefit costs exceeding 46 percent of wages and workplace litigation spiking, “employees” don’t exist in the future of work.
JULY 8, 2015
Senator Mark Warner on the Gig Economy
Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) a member of the Budget and Finance Committees, talked about the “gig economy,” which comprises the one-third of working Americans holding two or three jobs to make a full-time living.
Bryan Newton
Gig economy also sounds like a new phrase for “under-employment” without a single full time wage #tytlive
6:18 PM - 8 Jul 2015