Godman Shafts or Goldman Shafts (Goldman Sachs nickname)

Goldman Sachs is a financial firm that’s headquartered at 200 West Street in Manhattan. Some critics (who believe that Goldman Sachs unfairly manipulates financial markets and transactions) have nicknamed the from “Goldman Shafts” (cited in print since at least March 2010). The nickname “Godman Shafts” has been cited in print since at least July 2010, but its frequent use appears to come from a single blogger named “rocker.”
Goldman Sachs has been given many nicknames, including “Goldman Sucks/Goldman Sux,” “Government Sachs,” “Government Sucks,” “The United States of Goldman Sachs,” “Goldmine Sacks/Goldmine Sachs,” “Golden Sacks,” “Golden Slacks,” “Goldie Mac” and “Vampire Squid.”
Wikipedia: Goldman Sachs
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is an American investment banking and securities firm that engages in global investment banking, securities, investment management, and other financial services primarily with institutional clients. Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869 and is headquartered at 200 West Street in the Lower Manhattan area of New York City, with additional offices in major international financial centers. The firm provides mergers and acquisitions advice, underwriting services, asset management, and prime brokerage to its clients, which include corporations, governments and individuals. The firm also engages in proprietary trading and private equity deals, and is a primary dealer in the United States Treasury security market.
Former employees include Robert Rubin and Henry Paulson who served as United States Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, respectively, as well as Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of Canada since 2008.
Seeking Alpha
Small Speculators Remain Very Bearish
by: Cullen Roche
March 02, 2010
The incredibly bad US & Euro economic news we have received over the last 2 weeks definitely indicates a surprise negative GDP number for Q2 10. That the market is rising into this news does not necessarily indicate that the market is looking past the bad news. The Dow rose to a record high in early Oct 07 before falling over 50% in just 15 months. Just like that phony rally, the current rally lacks any meaningful volume, and is mainly driven by Goldman Shafts ‘high frequency’ trading, which appears to be part of some type of repurchase agreement with the NY Fed, carried on the FED balance sheet under the category ‘other assets’.
2010 Mar 02 10:42 AM
Yahoo! Finance
GS is not Manipulating Equities higher today
12-Apr-10 01:19 pm
GS is not Manipulating Equities higher today. All Goldman Shafts traders are very busy trying to manipulate Treasury note and bond prices with these ridiculous stories about inflation being under control and that the FED will not raise rates till 2011. Anyone that does there own grocery shopping knows that prices are climbing higher, and in the case of meat & fresh vegetables, starting to explode higher. 
Public Investment
Technical Resistance Ahead
This entry was posted on Saturday, July 10th, 2010 at 5:00 am and is filed under Stock Market.
rockerme4u says:
July 10, 2010 at 5:00 am
@TheEarthGerm It is amazing why people do not think about how bad the market has become a “PONZI SCHEME”. Can we say Godman Shafts.
Zero Hedge
Matrix Analytix Capital Reallocation Theory: Capital Flight Out Of Equities To Produce Housing Bottom In 2011
Submitted by MatrixAnalytix on 08/24/2010 15:22 -0400
by rocker
on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 22:00
The Ponzi Scam market is now exposed. Godman Shafts destroyed it. They stole taxpayer and equity investors money and their confidence.
Zero Hedge
What Was THAT?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/22/2010 07:56 -0500
by rocker
on Wed, 09/22/2010 - 08:24
Obama has no clue how the markerts are manipulated. NONE. There fault is who they trust. Godman Shafts, JPissMorgan, BlackassRock, Stanley’s Organ and Shitty Bank are the ones.
Zero Hedge
Goldman Advises Clients To Front Run The Fed Via POMO
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/21/2010 19:20 -0400
by rocker
on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 22:45
What’s insightful. Maybe the fact that this should put somebody in JAIL from Godman Shafts.