Fraudacity (fraud + audacity)

“Fraudacity” (fraud + audacity) is sometimes used to parody Barack Obama’s 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope. On October 17, 2008, Karl Denninger wrote on “The Fraudacity of American Finance,” claiming that he “just had to coin a new word.” Denninger felt that the Wall Street bailout wasn’t helping Main Street and was an audacious fraud.
The term “fraudacity” has had very limited usage. Store
The Fraudacity of Hope Products
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Wikipedia: The Audacity of Hope
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream is the second book written by then Senator (now President of the United States) Barack Obama. In the fall of 2006 it became number one on both the New York Times and bestsellers lists after Obama was endorsed by Oprah Winfrey. In the book, Obama expounds on many of the subjects that became part of his 2008 campaign for the Presidency.
13 December 2000, Boston (MA) Globe, “A December case of celebrity wedding-bell blues” by Matthew Gilbert:
He’s a guy with heaps of what we could call fraudacity - the audicity to be brazenly fraudulent
The Huffington Post
Ellis Weiner
Posted: August 3, 2007 08:44 PM
The Fraudacity of Hope: Bush’s Faith-Based Triumph
The Market Ticker
Friday, October 17. 2008
Posted by Karl Denninger at 07:46
The Fraudacity Of American Finance
I just had to coin a new word.
Audacity + Fraud = Fraudacity.
John Mack yesterday in a CNBC interview said that the capital deployed by Treasury into the banks was going to rebuild their capital ratios - not be lent out.  In other words, they intend to hoard it.
This means, bluntly, that not one nickel of benefit will be seen by Main Street, despite claims by Paulson, Bush and others that this bailout is necessary for “Main Street, not Wall Street.”
Fake Word Of the Day: Fraudacity
August 27th, 2009
Bold or daring deceit or trickery.
Texas Rainmaker
The Fraudacity of Hope
September 21st, 2009 8:25 pm
What a week for the Community Organizer in Chief.