Gerxit (Germany/German + exit)

“Gerxit” (Germany/German + exit) is a word created to define a possible German exit from the eurozone. “Gerexit” has been cited in print since at least May 2012.
“Grexit” (Greece/Greek + exit) was coined in February 2012 and started the naming trend. “Spexit” (Spain/Spanish + exit) and “Brexit” (Great Britain/British + exit) both date from May 2012 and “Brixit” (Great Britain/British + exit) dates from June 2012.
Unsustainable Future
Jonewer Dei Gra Brit Omn Rex Fid Def U.F. Imp
Re: Grexit for dummies
Reply #26 on: May 16, 2012, 07:58:45 pm
I also dont see a Gerxit.
Political World
20-05-2012, 12:36 AM
Re: Maidir Le: Domino Effect at Work with Euro - Last Days of the Eurozone ? - UPDATE: S & P put EU on Negative Watch
‘Gerexit’ might be just as much an option as “Grexit”.
You can forget about “Ireexit”
Alfred Mifsud
Thursday, 24 May 2012
So having undertaken GREXIT to remove destabilisation from the vicious side would GEREXIT also be required to remove destabilisation from the virtuous side? 
In theory this would be perfect solution for restoration of growth to the remaining 15 Euro countries with Germany losing its present competitiveness as it reverts to an appreciating DM whilst the Euro minus Germany falls to below parity with the US$. 
The Circle Bastiat
From Grexit to Gerexit
By Guido Hülsmann
Wednesday, May 30th, 2012
More monetary competition, this is the promising title of Markus Kerber’s new book, in which he makes the case for establishing currency competition to solve the current conflicts within the Eurozone.
Thus the Grexit is an appealing policy option, after all. It opens the prospect of a Gerexit, a Nethexit, a Finexit, and so on, relegating the monstruous ECB to the dustbin of history.
Marcelo Ballvé‏
Gerxit! Zingales on Bloomberg TV saying Germany should exit the Euro ... allowing EUR to devalue and buoy S. Europe. Less risky, he says.
9:27 AM - 8 Jun 12via web
Front Page Financial
Brixit or Gerxit?
By Front-Page Financial /  June 28, 2012
This peculiar abbreviation for a British exit from the European Union is the latest in a stream that includes, of course, Drachmageddon, Grexit and the one that should be the main concern of commentators and citizens alike – a Gerxit.
Zero Hedge
Faber On Europe: Think GERxit Not GRExit
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/02/2012 11:55 -0400
In line with our views on Europe’s endgame, Marc Faber opined on Bloomberg TV this morning that if he “was running Germany, [he] would have abandoned the eurozone last week”. We suspect that given the lack of real steps forward and no additional exposure (as yet) for Germany that they can hang on a little longer before they reach the final phase of the game-theoretically optimal exit (that Credit Suisse and us share) of a mercantilist GERxit occurring sooner than many think (benefiting from deposit inflows and low-EUR-based high profitability from exports for as long as possible and not a moment longer).