Free Shit Army (FSA)

The “Free Shit Army” (FSA) is a name used by James Quinn on the blog The Market Oracle, on October 11, 2010, to describe the great masses who want something for free. This can include food stamps and it can include flash mobs who rob department stores. The name “Free Shit Army” (“moocher” is an older term) has been cited on many other blogs.
The Market Oracle
The Middle Class Caught in a Pincer Movement
Politics / US Politics
Oct 11, 2010 - 03:39 AM
By: James Quinn
My understanding of our economic system has changed over the last couple years. I’ve come to the conclusion that the middle class of this country has been caught in a pincer movement by two armies. My definition of the Middle Class is households making between $50,000 and $150,000 per year. The Free Shit Army is attacking us on the left. The middle class has been the backbone of the country, doing the heavy lifting in this country. They get up every morning and trudge off to work to support their families. The Free Shit Army sleeps in. They have chosen to not educate themselves in order to advance in our society.
“The Free Shit Army is attacking us”-James Quinn
Monday, October 11, 2010
By Paul Martin
The Middle Class Caught in a Pincer Movement
By: James Quinn
Market Oracle
Oct 11, 2010
Political Economics
Monday, April 11, 2011
“Eliminate all deductions, all loopholes, and all credits, for everyone. I’m not tied to a flat tax or fair tax or a particular rate.” Absolutely, no question about it, but it won’t happen
06-18-2011 09:51 AM
The FSA Free Shit Army Is Gonna Get Violent
How long before the FSA runs out of other peoples money and start rioting in America to get more free shit? I say within the year.
Flash mobs of african americans are just the start.
B.S. Footprint
News Flash: FSA (Free Shit Army) members protest at U2 concert
Submitted by bsfootprint on Fri, 06/24/2011 - 18:51
The FSA is at it again. This time they’re protesting at a U2 concert, chastising U2 for not paying avoiding Irish taxes (hrm, do they actually owe the taxes?) to help keep Ireland afloat.
Free Shit Army
The Free Shit Army Assaults Sears
Posted: June 28, 2011 by Swordsman in Uncategorized
0A pack of 40 soldiers from the Free Shit Army stormed into a Sears department store in Upper Darby PA last Thursday, and stole thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, officials said.
Police were able to round up 15 leechlets and one adult leech, 19, all from West Philadelphia.