FANTA or FANTAsy (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Tesla and Alphabet)
"FANTA" or "FANTAsy" stocks are the technology companies of Facebook, Amazon, Netflix Tesla and Alphabet. "Try NAFTA (Netflix Amazon Facebook Tesla Alphabet) or FANTA"…
"FANTA" or "FANTAsy" stocks are the technology companies of Facebook, Amazon, Netflix Tesla and Alphabet. "Try NAFTA (Netflix Amazon Facebook Tesla Alphabet) or FANTA"…
Entry in progress -- B.P. NanexPublication Date: 09/20/2011HFT Breaks Speed-of-Light Barrier, Sets Trading Speed World Record. Adds a new unit of time measurement to the lexicon: fantasecond. On…
Farmer Mac signifies the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation. The Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation was chartered by the U.S. federal government in 1988, but the name "Farmer…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wiktionary: fat-fingerAlternative spellingsfat finger, fatfinger Etymologyfat + finger, the implication being that a person who fat-fingers does so because his or her…
"Fat finger dialing" is when a large finger accidentally hits an extra or a wrong number. A sudden drop in the stock market in May 2010 was initially attributed to a "fat finger…
"Fauxsterity" (faux + austerity) is a term to describe a "fake' austerity. In a federal budget deal signed into law in August 2011, cuts in the federal budget were claimed, but…
"Fauxterity" (faux austerity) is fake austerity; a country might give the impression of cutting back, but this might not be the case. "Fauxterity" has been cited in print since…
The "fear trade" occurs when investors are scared about the safety of the financial markets and the U.S. dollar; the "fear trade" usually sees people invest in gold. "Fear…
Entry in progress -- B.P. The Hobby EconomistSaturday, May 9, 2009Stressed Out(...)History repeats in the short sighted news cycle of the day. The same people have developed new risk models. The…
The economist John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006) coined the word "bezzle" from "embezzle" in his book, The Great Crash, 1929 (1954). The "bezzle" was defined as…
"The Fed" stands for the Federal Reserve System. "Fed" has meant "federalist" since at least 1788; "fed" has meant "an official of the federal…
Jon Hilsenrath reports on the Federal Reserve for The Wall Street Journal. Because Hilsenrath has many sources within the Federal Reserve, his nickname became the "Fed Whisperer" --…
"Fedapalooza" or "fed-a-palooza" (Federal Reserve + lollapalooza) is a term used for when the Federal Reserve (or just comments from its chairman) announces its policy on…
A "Freudian slip" is when one makes an error in speech that, unintentionally, might reveal a truth. The financial blog Zero Hedge, on March 21, 2014, had the headline, "Stocks Slump…
The Fed (Federal Reserve) is closely watched by many in the financial community. The names "Fedology" and "Fedologist" have applied to Fed watchers since at least 1971, but…
"Fedspeak" (also "Fed-speak" and "Fed speak") is when the Federal Reserve says something -- especially through its chairman. Alan Greenspan was Chairman of the Federal…
A "Fedster" (or "fedster") is someone who works for or supports the Federal Reserve System (nicknamed "the Fed"). The term "Fedster" is often used…
"Fedury" (Federal Reserve + U.S. Department of the Treasury) is a financial nickname that has been infrequently used (mostly by ArkansasAngie or Angie Pratt). The portmanteau name has…
KeyBank is headquartered in Key Tower in Cleveland, Ohio, but has branches in New York and many other states. The nickname "FeeBank" (or "Fee Bank") has been frequently applied…
The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913; the Federal Reserve Bank issues Federal Reserve Notes (dollars) -- the currency of the United States. Some critics of the Federal Reserve have dubbed…