Archive for 12/2020

Eggnogstic (eggnog + agnostic)

"Eggnogstic" (eggnog + agnostic) is a jocular term that has been cited in print since at least 1885. Various definitions have been given. "If I don't like egg nog, does that…

“Pomegranate is reverse corn”

A corn on the cob has corn kernels on the outside. Pomegranates have many seeds, which are on the inside. "pomegranates are like reverse corn" was posted on Twitter by Jingle Gisele on…

“Corn is just reverse pomegranate”

A corn on the cob has corn kernels on the outside. Pomegranates have many seeds, which are on the inside. "pomegranates are like reverse corn" was posted on Twitter by Jingle Gisele on…