A plaque remaining from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem.

Above, a 1934 plaque from the Big Apple Night Club at West 135th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem. Discarded as trash in 2006. Now a Popeyes fast food restaurant on Google Maps.

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“I came, I saw, I coffee’d” (7/25)
“Love ordering food hate answering the door” (7/25)
“Can anyone tell me what oblivious means? I have no idea” (7/21)
“Sundays were made for good coffee, good music, and being lazy with the people you love” (7/21)
“The people who currently own this world don’t care which ruler you choose. They care only that you keep choosing to be ruled” (7/21)
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V-J Day Kiss (August 14, 1945)

"V8 is essentially cold vegetable soup"

"V8 is just cold tomato soup"

"Vacation calories don't count" ("Calories don't count on vacation")

"Vacations are easy to plan — your boss tells you when, and your wife tells you where"

Vaccassinate (vaccine/vaccinate + assassinate)

Vaccassination (vaccine/vaccination + assassination)

Vaccident or Vaxxident or Vaxxxident (vaccine + accident)

"Vaccinated people act like they died on the cross for our sins. Calm down Jabus Christ"

Vaccinazi (vaccine + Nazi)

Vaccine Bouncer or Vax Bouncer or Vaxx Bouncer

"Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidence"

"Vaccines cause adults" (pro-vaccination slogan)

Vaccism or Vacism or Vaxism or Vaxxism

"Vaccism is the new racism"

Vacism or Vaccism or Vaxism or Vaxxism

"Vacism is the new racism"

Vackseen (variant spelling of "vaccine")

Vackseenz (variant spelling of "vaccines")

Vacksinashun (variant spelling of "vaccination")

Vacksinate (variant spelling of "vaccinate")

Vacksination (variant spelling of "vaccination")

Vagenda (vagina + agenda)

"Vaginas are like gyms..." (NSFW joke)

Vain Stem (vain + Main Stem, for Broadway)

VaJINO (vagina + Jew In Name Only)

"Valentine’s Day is great, but the real holiday is February 15th, when all the candy goes on sale"

"Valentine's Day is when a lot of married men are reminded what a poor shot Cupid really is"

"Valentine's Day plan: Breakfast in bed; Watch movie; Dinner for two; Regret eating two dinners"

Valley of Ashes (now Flushing Meadows Corona Park)


Value Investing (Value Investor)

Vampire REO

Vampire Squid (Goldman Sachs nickname)

"Vanilla extract is the garlic of baking"

"Vanilla extract is the ketchup of baking"

Vanilla (plain or ordinary)

VanillaISIS or Vanilla ISIS (vanilla + ISIS)

Vanity Address

Vaporize (money that vanishes)


Variety Meats

Vatican of Saloons (P. J. Clarke's nickname)

Vaticanista (Vatican correspondent)


Vax Bouncer or Vaccine Bouncer or Vaxx Bouncer

"Vax passports do not stop the spread of a virus. They stop the spread of freedom"

Vaxassinate (vaccine/vaccinate + assassinate)

Vaxassination (vaccine/vaccination + assassination)

Vaxdemic (vaccine + epidemic/pandemic)

Vaxie or Vaxxie (vaccine/vaccination selfie)

Vaxism or Vacism or Vaccism or Vaxxism

"Vaxism is the new racism"

Vaxist or Vaxxist

Vaxlash (vaccine + backlash)

Vaxport or Vaxxport (vaccine passport)

Vaxtard (vaccine + retard)

Vaxtastrophe or Vaxxtastrophe (vax/vaccine + catastrophe)

Vaxterminate (vaccine/vaccinate + exterminate)

Vaxtermination (vaccine/vaccination + extermination)

Vaxx Bouncer or Vaccine Bouncer or Vax Bouncer

Vaxxassinate (vaccine/vaccinate + assassinate)

Vaxxassination (vaccine/vaccination + assassination)

Vaxxecute (vaccinate + execute)

Vaxxecution (vaccination + execution)

"Vaxxed, waxed and ready for action"

"Vaxxed, waxed and ready to climax"

"Vaxxed, waxed and ready to party"

"Vaxxed, waxed and ready to relax"

Vaxxident or Vaxxxident or Vaccident (vaccine + accident)

Vaxxie or Vaxie (vaccine/vaccination selfie)

Vaxxism or Vacism or Vaccism or Vaxism

"Vaxxism is the new racism"

Vaxxist or Vaxist

Vaxxport or Vaxport (vaccine passport)

Vaxxtastrophe or Vaxtastrophe (vax/vaccine + catastrophe)

Vaxxxident or Vaxxident or Vaccident (vaccine + accident)

Veducation (vegetables + education)

Veep (vice president or VP)

Veepstakes (Veep + sweepstakes)

Veer (football offensive formation)

"Vegan: because I'm too cool to be cruel"

"Vegan chicken tenders should be called chicken pretenders"

Vegan Chili

"Vegan food ain’t that bad once you add meat and cheese to it"

"Vegan food isn’t that bad once you add meat and cheese to it"

"Vegan is not a diet. It is a choice your heart makes"

"Veganism is not a diet. It is a choice your heart makes"

"Vegans are like adults. First you hate them, then you become one and realize they were right"

"Vegans think people who sell meat are disgusting, but people who sell fruit and veg are grocer"

Veganuary (vegan + January)

"Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie"

Vegducken or Veggieducken (veggie + turducken)

"Vegemite is the Australian version of Marmite"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does baconnnnn"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does beeeeeeer"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does nachossss"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does pizzaaaaa"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does pizzzzzza"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again. so does steakkkkk"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does tacosssss"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does brownieee"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does burgerrrr"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does cakeeeeee"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does chocolate"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does cookiesss"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does doughnuts"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does dumplings"

"Vegetable has 9 letters in it, but then again, so does meatballs"

"Vegetable soup is just a hot, wet salad"

"Vegetables are just crunchy water"

"Vegetarian: an old Indian word for bad hunter"

"Vegetarian bacon is a goddamn hate crime"

"Vegetarian chili is just bean curry"

Vegetarian Chili (Meatless Chili)

"Vegetarian ham radio enthusiasts use a cheese radio"

Veggie Burger

Veggie Confetti or Vegetable Confetti (Veggie Confetti Taco; Veggie Confetti Chili)

Vegucate (vegan/vegetarian + educate); Vegucation

"Vehicle insured by Smith & Wesson" (bumper sticker)

"Velveeta is the Spam of cheese"

"Velveeta is the Spam of cheeses"

"Velveeta is to cheese what Spam is to ham"

"Velveeta is to cheese what Spam is to meat"

"Velveeta is to Texas what SPAM is to Hawaii"

Velvet Rut (Austin music scene)

VENDEX (Vendor Information Exchange System)

Vendy Awards

"Veni, Vidi, Venti" ("I came, I saw, I ordered Starbucks coffee")

"Veni, Vidi, Visa" ("I came, I saw, I did a little shopping")

Venice of America (San Antonio nickname)

Venice of New York (Broad Channel)

Venison Chili (Deer Chili; Deer Meat Chili)

Venture Capital (Venture Capitalist; Venture Capitalism)

Venture Socialism

Venus of MacDougal Alley (nickname of model Audrey Munson)

"Veritas Liberabit Vos" (SMU motto)

"Verizon is a combination of vertical and horizontal"

Vermont: Green Mountain State (nickname)

Very Overpowering Drink, Killing Agony ("vodka" backronym)

Very Vanilla (very + vanilla)

Vesey Squeezey or Vesey Squeezy (pedestrian traffic at Vesey Street)

Vetch Capital of the World (Cooper nickname)

Veterans Abandoned (Department of Veterans Affairs or VA nickname)

Vichy Republican



Victim Disarmament (gun control)

Victorian (inhabitant of Victoria, Texas)

"Victory is a political fiction"

"Victory is a thousand times sweeter when you're the underdog"

"Victory is surrender. Lockdown is safety. Hysteria is virtue"

Victory Lap

Victory Lap (an extra year of school)

"Video games are just really intense thumb wars"

Vietnam (Morrisania Air Rights buildings)

Vietnamese Fajitas (Bo Nuong Xa)

"Viking by blood. American by birth. Patriot by choice"

"Vimto is a poor man's Ribena"

Vincent's Sauce

"Vinegar (wine's angry brother)"

"Vines creep, then leap" ("first year it sleeps, second year it creeps, third year it leaps")

Vintage Media

"Violence is the tool of the state. Knowledge and the mind are the tools of free people"

Violets, Bobcats (NYU teams)

Violets (cabbage)

"Violins are just guitars that play in cursive"

"Violins are played in cursive"

VIP (Very Important Person)

"Virgin Margarita? You mean green sadness water?"

Virginia: Beadle (nickname)

Virginia Farm Boys (Central Intelligence Agency or CIA nickname)

Virtual Kitchen

Virtual Restaurant

"Viruses come and go. Loss of freedom is forever"

"Viruses mutate over time. Covid started as a pandemic, and now it's become an IQ test"

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare"

"Vision without execution is hallucination"

"Visualize Whirled Peas" ("Visualize Word Peace" pun)

Vitamin B (beer)

Vitamin B (Victoria Bitter or VB nickname)

"Vitamin B? You mean beer?"

Vitamin G (grease)

Vitamin N (nature)

Vitamin of Memory (Thiamine or Thiamin or Vitamin B1 nickname)

Vitamin T (tequila and/or tortillas, tacos, tamales, tostadas, tortas, tlacoyos, tlayudas)

ViVa (Viaduct Valley)

"VIX is high, time to buy; VIX is low, time to go"

Vladimir Meyer (cocktail)

"Vodka can be mixed with anything, including more vodka"

"Vodka has never been recalled for E. coli. Just saying"

"Vodka helps me appreciate the little things in life, like shot glasses"

"Vodka helps me appreciate the small things in life, like shot glasses"

"Vodka helps me appreciate the smaller things in life, like shot glasses"

"Vodka is healthy if you call it potato juice"

"Vodka is just angry water"

"Vodka is just awesome water"

"Vodka is just old potato juice"

"Vodka is just potato juice"

"Vodka is just spicy potato juice

"Vodka is karaoke fuel"

"Vodka is practically a health drink if you just call it 'potato juice'"

"Vodka is vegan"

"Vodka isn't a liquid. It's a solution"

"Vodka mixes well with everything. Except decisions"

"Vodka (noun): The glue holding this shitshow together"

"Vodka pays the bills"

Vodka Sauce (Penne alla Vodka; Rigatoni alla Vodka)

"Vodka sausages are the Absolut wurst"

"Vodka! Tequila! Whiskey! I call the shots!"

"Vogue" (1990)

"Voice, voice and more voice" (three requisites for an actor or singer)

Volcker Rule

"Volleyball is just a more intense version of 'don't let the balloon touch the floor'"

Volleyball (Volley Ball)

Volmageddon (volatility + Armageddon)

"Volume follows a trend"

"Volume is the weapon of the bull" (Wall Street adage)

"Volume is validity" (Wall Street adage)

"Volume measurement disputes are settled at the Supreme Quart"

"Voluntaryists: Diligently plotting to teach people that taxation is theft..."

Volunteer Capital of Texas (Comal County nickname)

Voodoo Economics

Vote-a-rama (Vote-a-thon)

"Vote as you please, but please vote"

"Vote blue, no matter who"

"Vote Conservative. If liberalism worked, you'd still be in California"

Vote early! Vote often!

"Vote for Nobody" (satire)

"Vote from the rooftops"

"Vote like your life depends on it"

"Vote like your rights depend on it"

"Vote no on everything. We don't need it. We can't afford it"

"Vote or die"

"Vote with their feet"

"Vote with your fork"

"People will vote their pocketbooks"

"Voting comes naturally to cat owners. They're used to checking a box for a piece of shit"

"Voting Democrat/Republican is like competing in the Special Olympics..."

"Voting from the rooftops"

"Voting: Giving grown adults the illusion of control"

"Voting is like going to the movies. You suspend disbelief in a world of ridiculous fantasy..."

"Voting is like trying to fix a broken car by changing the driver"

"Voting is the adult version of writing a letter to Santa"

"Voting is the slave's suggestion box"

"Voting is trying to fix a broken car by changing the drivers"

VPOTUS (Vice President Of The United States)

Vuelve a la Vida ("Back to Life" or "Return to Life")