“‘I don’t see color,’ she said, as she ran the traffic light”
"I don't see color" is an expression meaning that the color of someone's skin is not relevant to this person. A traffic light joke takes this expression literally. "'I…
"I don't see color" is an expression meaning that the color of someone's skin is not relevant to this person. A traffic light joke takes this expression literally. "'I…
Not every experience in an urban environment can be credited as "parkour." This joke was posted on X/Twitter by 🤷🏼‍♂️ on Febuay 1, 2018: *trips over crack in sidewalk* [under…
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road..,unless you fail to make the turn" is an inspirational saying that has been printed on many images. The saying originated on a popular…
"A big shout out to sidewalks. Thanks for keeping me off the streets" is a jocular line that has been printed on many images. "Shout out to sidewalks. Thanks for keeping me off the…
"A fire hydrant has H2O (water) on the inside and K9P (canine pee) on the outside" is a joke that has been printed in several joke books. "If you find H20 inside a fire hydrant, what…
A pun about the term "word on the street" is: "A man spilled his Scrabble set on the road, I asked, 'What's the word on the street?'" "A man spilled his…
Parking meters often have a maximum of one hour -- otherwise, people would leave their cars longer. "Parking meter — A device that enables you to do two hours' shopping in one" is…
School hall monitors are not held in high esteem by students, and parking ticket officers aren't held in high esteem by drivers. Anjeanette Carter‏ posted on Twitter on October 12, 2011:…
There are salt trucks to salt the roads, but there are no pepper trucks. "i've seen a lot of salt trucks just wondering where are the pepper trucks" was posted on Twitter by Darren…
"Memory lane" is an imaginary path through the nostalgically remembered past and not an actual street. However, a computer memory joke was posted on Twitter on March 17, 2010: "I…
"A truck carrying onions has overturned. Motorists are advised to find a hard shoulder to cry on" is a joke that originated in the United Kingdom. Scottish stand-up comedian and actor…
A pun on guitar delay pedals was posted on Reddit -- Dadjokes on August 27, 2021: "A truck full of guitar pedals crashed on I-5. Expect delays." “Potato chip truck accident on the…
A joke about traffic congestion has been cited in print since at least 2008 and has been popular in the United Kingdom and the United States: "A lorry (truck -- ed.) loaded with Vicks VapoRub…
"Adulthood/College is like looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane" -- that is, doing everything right and then getting blindsided by something…
"Where do you get off?" is an idiom, meaning "Where do you get off {saying or doing that)?" It is similar to "How dare you (say or do that)!" It is not related to…
"Americans will put up with anything provided it doesn't block traffic" is a saying that has been printed on many images. American journalist Dan Rather has been credited with the…
Sometimes streets are "coned off," and there's a joke about that. "Been to an ice cream mans funeral today, couldn't park anywhere! It was all coned off ....." was…
"As crooked as Pearl Street" was a pet phrase of William S. Devery (1854-1919), a New York City police chief who directed the language to others. "He is more crooked than Pearl…
"Adopt-a-Highway" is a program where citizens and businesses can "adopt" a stretch of highway by helping to pay for its care. It's not like adopting a child, but there are…
Parking tickets are usually --but not always -- placed under windshield wipers. "Avoid parking tickets by leaving your wipers on high" is a jocular parking saying that has been printed on…