Late Show & Late Late Show
The "Late Show" and "Late Late Show" were originally movies shown very late at night on CBS television (Channel 2). The terms date to 1951. David Letterman now hosts 'The…
The "Late Show" and "Late Late Show" were originally movies shown very late at night on CBS television (Channel 2). The terms date to 1951. David Letterman now hosts 'The…
"Mannouncer" (man + announcer) and "mannouncing" (man + announcing) were used in August 2016, during the Rio Olympics. The terms apply to male announcers who are clearly more…
The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) has often been cited for liberal bias. The nickname "MessNBC" or "MesSNBC" (mess + MSNBC) is sometimes used…
Remember WOR Channel 9's "Million Dollar Movie"? Remember the theme music, from Gone With the Wind? Before Turner Classic Movies and Blockbuster, there was "Million Dollar…
NBC (the National Broadcasting Company) has been called "Nothing But Crap" by critics since at least 1989. MSNBC has also been nicknamed "Nothing But Crap," but with two more…
The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) is known for its progressive slant on political issues. "MSN" is often said to stand for "More Stupid…
MSNBC's Morning Joe ("joe" is slang for coffee) is a moring political show that began in April 2007. The nickname "Morning Schmo(e)" ("schmo" is slang for a jerk)…
The Z-100 (WHTZ) radio station started a "morning zoo" format in the early 1980s with Scott Shannon. Shannon had used a similar format on another station, but Z-100 was called the…
The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) has often been cited for liberal bias. The nickname "MSDNC" (MSNBC + DNC) is used by those who believe the network is…
The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) is known for its progressive slant on political issues. The nickname “MSLGBT” (MSNBC + LGBT) is used by those who believe…
The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) has often been cited for liberal bias. The nickname "MSLSD" (MSNBC + LSD, a psychedelic drug) is used by those who…
The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) is known for its progressive slant on political issues. MSNBC is frequently criticized for a pro-Democratic Party,…
CNN is a U.S. cable news channel that was founded in 1980. The blog Ace of Spades HQ nicknamed CNN as "MSNBC White" (after MSNBC, the progressive political news and opinion channel)…
The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) has often been cited for liberal bias. The nickname “MSNBS” (MSNBC + BS) is sometimes used by the political right who…
The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) is known for its progressive slant on political issues. MSNBC has been called "MSNPC" for two reasons, depending on…
"Must-see TV" was NBC's promotional name for its Thursday night lineup of comedies in the fall of 1993. NBC promo producer Don Holm came up with the name. However, the "must-see…
NPR (formerly National Public Radio) is funded, in part, with taxpayer dollars. Conservative groups have often cited that NPR has a pro-liberal bias, and Jewish groups have claimed that NPR has a…
NPR (National Public Radio) has sometimes been called "National Panhandler Radio" because of its many pledge drives. "National Panhandler Radio Does Its Imitation Of Media…
NPR (National Public Radio) has sometimes been called "National Pinko Radio" by conservatives who believe that NPR has "pinko" (communist) leanings. "National Pinko…
NPR (formerly National Public Radio) is funded, in part, with taxpayer dollars. Conservative groups have often cited that NPR has a pro-liberal bias. Some critics have nicknamed NPR "National…