Morning Schmo or Morning Schmoe (MSNBC’s Morning Joe nickname)

MSNBC’s Morning Joe (“joe” is slang for coffee) is a moring political show that began in April 2007. The nickname “Morning Schmo(e)” (“schmo” is slang for a jerk) has been cited in print since at least July 2007. Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin uses “Morning Schmo” as part of his extensive regular lexicon of nicknames.
Wikipedia: Morning Joe
Morning Joe is a weekday morning talk show on MSNBC, with Joe Scarborough discussing the news of the day in a panel format with co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Willie Geist. It was created as the replacement for Imus in the Morning, which was canceled in April 2007 after simulcasting on MSNBC since 1996. It airs from 6AM to 9AM Eastern Time.
Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
schmo noun \ˈshmō\
plural schmoes
Definition of SCHMO
: jerk
Variants of SCHMO
schmo or schmoe
Origin of SCHMO
origin unknown
First Known Use: 1947
Conservapedia: Mark Levin
The Mark Levin Lexicon
Levin holds disdain for the mainstream media and the politicians who pander to them. He often likes to refer to them in a derogatory and humorous way. It is Levin’s style that distinguishes himself from other radio personalities.
. Morning Joe = Morning Schmo
Inside Cable News
Wow…Morning Schmoe actually showed some signs of life on Monday, though I’m sure that was just a one-day blip. All things considered, the debate numbers were pretty decent IMO (i.e. middle of summer, decent weather).
Comment by Anonymous — July 24, 2007 @ 7:12 pm
August 2nd, 2007 at 4:31 am
wow, just saw the security cam footage of the bridge collapse on Morning Schmo – scary stuff
I am looking for the weekly cable ratings so I can see just how badly morning schmo did. Where do I go to get them?
Had to laugh when I wewnt to link listed above I saw the category B&C. I thought it must mean Bitch & Complain but it doesn’t! LOL
Posted by: Mary Lynn Nemergut | Sunday, August 26, 2007 at 12:43 PM
Just Another Blog (From L.A.)
Monday, October 08, 2007
Morning Schmoe, & a U. S. Official on Blackwater
Posted by M. Bouffant at 16:21
We’ve already cheap-shotted Joe Scarborough a couple of times. Now we can see what a weasel he truly is: ...
Mark Levin Radio Show Touts NewsBusters Story on Joe Scarborough
By Scott Whitlock | October 18, 2007 | 09:37
On Wednesday, nationally syndicated radio show host Mark Levin picked up and expanded on the story of MSNBC host Joe Scarborough lauding Al Gore, first reported in NewsBusters. Levin described “Morning Schmo,” what he calls “Morning Joe,” as “a program I rarely watch” and railed against Scarborough’s declaration that “Al Gore wins” on global warming. The host also cited “our friends at the Media Research Center and NewsBusters” for bringing the comments of the “MSLSD” host to light.
Fake Cardinal Egan
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Which doesn’t belong and why?!
a) Morning Schmoe
b) Hillary Clinton
c) Imus in the Morn’