Err America (Air America nickname)

The Air America radio network began in March 2004 and ended in January 2010; it attempted to provide a liberal alternative to conservative talk radio. Critics of Air America nicknamed it "Err…

Eyewitness News

"Eyewitness News" was a term that was first popularly used in reporting World War II. In the 1960s, it became applied to television half-hour local news programs. "Eyewitness…

Faux News (Fox News nickname)

The Fox News Channel (headquartered in Manhattan) has often been criticized for conservative bias. The nickname “Faux News" has been used by some critics of Fox News since at least March…

Fixed News (Fox News nickname)

The Fox News Channel (headquartered in Manhattan) has often been criticized for conservative bias. The nickname “Fixed News" has been used by some critics of Fox News since at least October…

Fox Comedy (Fox News nickname)

The Fox News Channel has had many liberal critics who consider its "fair and balanced" approach to the news to be a joke. The nickname "Fox Comedy Channel" (or "Fox Comedy…

FoxPAC (Fox News nickname)

The Fox News Channel (headquartered in Manhattan) has often been criticized for conservative bias. Critics have claimed that Fox News is an arm of the Republican party, giving Republican candidates…

Fux News (Fox News nickname)

The Fox News Channel (headquartered in Manhattan) has often been criticized for conservative bias. The profane nickname “Fux News" has been used by some critics of Fox News since at least…