Info Babe or Infobabe (woman in television news broadcasting)

An “info babe” (or “info-babe” or “infobabe”) is a woman who works on screen in a visual news medium, such as television broadcasting. The television networks CNN, Fox News and MSNBC have been said to employ “info babes” (attractive women). The term “info babe” can be demeaning or it can be a compliment.
‘Info-babe” has been cited in print since at least 1993. The conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has been criticized for his use of “info babe,” such as in that 1993 citation. A similar and much older term—also used by Limbaugh in the same 1993 citation as “infobabe”—is “reporterette.”
Urban Dictionary
Info Babe
A particularly attractive female who delivers information via television, internet, or some other widespread form.
Often times a legitimate reporter degredated to the term Info Babe because of outside appearance and seemingly inside insipidness.
Used particularly by males as a derogatory means of slighting women reporters, correspondents, or newscasters. Demeaning.
by writah’ May 16, 2008
New York (NY) Times
AT DINNER WITH: Rush Limbaugh; A Shy, Sensitive Guy Trying to Get By in Lib City
Published: March 24, 1993
He (radio host Rush Limbaugh—ed.) still calls women who work for newspapers “reporterettes” and women who work on television “info-babes.”
27 March 1994, Washington (DC) Post, “Tony, Tony, Tony” by Tony Kornheiser, Style, pg. F1:
So it will come as no surprise that last week I happily accepted hosting CNBC’s “Equal Time” with Fave Rave Info-Babe Mary Matalin (the one whose lips don’t move when she talks).
3 July 1994, Buffalo (NY) News, “King Rupert builds his dark kingdom with FX Network” by Jeff Simon:
What Wallace is saying to us with “Under Scrutiny” is “I’m a journalist, not an ‘Info- Babe,’ and I can compete with the big boys on their own turf.”
31 March 1996, The Telegraph (Alton, IL), “Letters to the editor,” pg. B2, col. 5:
How come we didn’t see Brokaw, Jennings, Rather, and all the bubble little info-babes at the CNN newsdesk, feeling the man’s pain?
East Alton
The Huffington Post
Limbaugh Calls MSNBC Anchors “Info-Babes” (AUDIO)
By Arthur Delaney
First Posted: 04/26/09 06:12 AM ET Updated: 05/25/11 02:10 PM ET
Media Matters caught radio-blowhard Rush Limbaugh referring to MSNBC anchors Melissa Francis and Contessa Brewer as “info babes.”
Limbaugh quickly “corrected” himself and went with “anchors.”
Free Republic
MSNBC Info-Babe to Congressman: ‘Do you have a degree in economics?’ ^ | 7/20/11
Posted on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 4:09:59 PM by Jean S