Highly Trained Broadcast Specialist (radio talk show host)

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh often calls himself a “highly trained broadcast specialist.” It’s somewhat of a joke—there is no professional examination needed to host a radio talk show. There is also some truth to Limbaugh’s description—he’s had many years in radio broadcasting.
“Highly trained broadcast specialist” has been cited in print since at least 2000. Some other radio professionals have also used “highly trained broadcast specialist” (not always in jest).
Wikipedia: Rush Limbaugh
Rush Hudson Limbaugh III ( /ˈlɪmbɔː/; born January 12, 1951) is an American radio talk show host, political commentator, an opinion leader of American conservatives particularly influential in matters affecting the Republican Party. Since he was 16 Limbaugh has worked a series of disc jockey jobs. In 1984 Sacramento radio station KFBK gave him a talk show featuring his format of political commentary and listener calls which he continues to use. In 1988 Limbaugh began broadcasting his show nationally from radio station WABC in New York, New York. He currently lives in West Palm Beach, Florida, from where he broadcasts the The Rush Limbaugh Show, the highest-rated talk-radio program in the United States.
10 March 2000, National Public Radio (NPR):   
Broadcast excellence being performed by el-Rushbaugh, your highly trained broadcast specialist.
12 April 2000, USA Today,  “Limbaugh’s ‘MNF’ call: ‘It’s not brain surgery’” by Ruday Martzke, Sports, pg. 2C:
“I’m a highly trained broadcast specialist,” Limbaugh says, “ever since I was 16. I haven’t done football—did some guest innings on baseball—but it’s not brain surgery.”
Google Books
Straight Talk from the Heartland:
Tough talk, common sense, and hope from a former conservative

By Ed Schultz
New York, NY: PerfectBound
Pg. 22:
Why does Limbaugh succeed? It’s more than his message. He really is a highly trained broadcast specialist.
Democratic Underground
Newest Reality
Wed Feb-09-11 01:08 PM
2. “...as a highly trained broadcast specialist,”
Doesn’t he mean “propagandist”?
Show Open: Michelle and Kids in Vegas… Newt Meets Mitt… Big Lottery Jackpot… Two Corrections for Greg Sargent
March 30, 2012
RUSH:  And we are happy to be with you, wrapping up a big week of broadcast excellence, with an ever-expanding audience geometric proportions here.  A thrill and a delight to be with you.  Here’s the telephone number:  800-282-2882.  Now, for those of you new to the program, asking what is Open Line Friday, it’s very simple.  Monday through Thursday callers must talk about things I am interested in.  It may sound a little dictatorial, and it is.  I am a benevolent dictator.  If I talk about things that bore me, the audience will be bored.  On Friday, I throw out all those rules, and whatever anybody wants to talk about is fine, even if it bores me. I’ll fake it or act bored or what have you.  But it’s my way of taking a courageous career risk, turning over the content portion of the program to lovable rank amateurs, as opposed to me, highly trained broadcast specialist.
Unemployed Americans Outnumber the Total Population of Germany
April 10, 2012
RUSH: You know, I oftentimes struggle here, as I mentioned last week. We trying to be as persuasive as we can on this program. Yesterday, I had a bunch of people send me charts. “You need to tell ‘em this!” A chart is worthless on a radio program. It’s literally worthless.  It might be brilliant to look at a chart.  A chart might be, when you look at it, so persuasive that everybody would get it.  But it’s worthless on the radio.  So is showing a video, particularly if you need the pictures.  On the radio it’s worthless.  There have to be other ways, which is what I, as a highly trained broadcast specialist, have specialized in, is these ways of persuasion.
Justin Pryor—A Brief Autobiography
Note: Since Justin graduated from the University of South Carolina with a degree in Broadcast Journalism, he is a highly trained broadcast specialist.  This means that his particular talents and training make him ideal to serve as a “Master of Ceremony” for any event with the ability to provide quality entertainment, all rolled into one.