Full Of Xenophobia (Fox News nickname)

The Fox News Channel has had many liberal critics who claim that it doesn’t fully respect minorities and foreigners. The Fox News nickname of “Full Of Xenophobia” (or “Full Of Xenophobes”) has been cited in print since at least March 2007.
“Fox,” however, is not an acronym. The Fox Film Corporation was founded in 1915 by William Fox (1879-1952).
Other Fox News nicknames include “Faux News” (since March 2001), “Fux News” (since July 2001), “Fox Spews”/“Faux Spews” (since November 2001), “Foxaganda” (since October 2003), “Fox Noise”/“Faux Noise” (since August 2004), “Fake News” (since September 2004, “Fixed News” (since October 2004), “Fox Comedy” (since December 2005), “Fixed Noise” (since August 2007) and “FoxPAC” (since September 2009).
The more liberal MSNBC network has been nicknamed “PMSNBC” (since July 1996), “MSNBS” (since October 1996), “MessNBC” (since March 2002), “MSDNC” (since May 2005),  “MSLSD” (since September 2005), “MSLGBT” (since October 2008), “Moonbats Spouting Nothing But Crap” (since January 2010), “MSNBC-Pravda” (since August 2010), “More Stupid Nonsense Bull Crap” (since April 2013) and “MSNPC” (since June 2013).
Wikipedia: Fox News Channel
Fox News Channel (FNC), often called Fox News, is a cable and satellite television news channel owned by the Fox Entertainment Group, a subsidiary of News Corporation. As of April 2009, the channel is available to 102 million households in the United States and further to viewers internationally, broadcasting primarily out of its New York studios.
The channel was created by Australian-American media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who hired former NBC executive Roger Ailes as the founding CEO. The channel was launched on October 7, 1996 to 17 million cable subscribers. The channel grew in the late 1990s and 2000s to become the dominant cable news network in the United States. In 2010 the network took the top 10 spots in the age 25–54 demographic and the top 12 spots among total viewers.
Some critics have asserted that Fox News Channel promotes conservative political positions. Commentators, news anchors, and reporters at Fox News Channel respond that news reporting and political commentary operate independently of each other, and deny any bias in the news reporting.
Acronym Geek
FOX - Full Of Xenophobia
Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
xe·no·pho·bia noun \ˌze-nə-ˈfō-bē-ə, ˌzē-\
Definition of XENOPHOBIA
: fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign
New Latin
First Known Use: 1903
03-07-2007 08:23 AM
FOX = Full Of Xenophobia
AVS Forum
04-28-08, 02:05 PM
Full Of Xenophobia = FOX News 😉
El King
06-10-2008, 01:33 PM
Be careful Barak , be careful. The FOX ( Full Of Xenophobia ) network will try to make this into a JFK-Marilyn Monroe tryst.