
Japanese "sukiyaki" (also spelled "suki-yaki" in the early 1900s) is cited in English from at least 1911. Sukiyaki quickly became Japan's most famous international dish and…

Summer Melt (college admissions)

Colleges admit students in April, but sometimes those students drop out and don't enroll as freshmen in August-September. There could be financial or other reasons for why the students decide…

Summer Stock

"Summer stock" are stage productions that are performed during the summer. Many New York actors have practiced their craft in the small cities that host summer stock productions.…

Summer Time (bread and milk)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Brooklyn Newsstand3 July 1887, Brooklyn (NY) Daily Egale, pg. 13, col. 1:"Summer time," is bread and milk. Entry in progress -- B.P. Hudson River Valley Heritage…

Sunny Side Up

"Sunny side up" means an order of eggs fried on one side only. The term "sunny side up" has been used in restaurant slang since at least 1887. According to an 1899 newspaper…

Sunshine Vitamin (Vitamin D nickname)

Vitamin D can be acquired through exposure to sunlight. The vitamin D nickname of the "sunshine vitamin" has been cited in print since at least 1927, when the nickname was used in…

Superbas (Brooklyn baseball team)

"Superbas" was the nickname of the baseball team that would later be called the Brooklyn Dodgers (now the Los Angeles Dodgers). "Superba" was the title of an 1890s entertainment…

Superbowlian (Super Bowlian)

The Super Bowl is the National Football League's championship game. "Superbowlian" (or "Super Bowlian") -- the adjective -- reflects things about or like the Super Bowl;…

Superman; Superstar; Supermodel

New York City is just "super." It all began with Superman, followed by Superstar and Supermodel. SUPERMAN "Superman" was born in Germany in the 1890s, when Friedrich Nietzsche…