New Castrati

“New castrati” is a term used mostly by conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh has used the term since at least February 2006.
Rush Limbaugh defined the “new castrati” in March 2006:
“So when you get right down to it, militant feminists oppose manliness, they oppose womanliness. What they support is neuterliness and they have given us the new castrati, and the new castrati are the guys that are the dream of these women. They have neutered them. They don’t make decisions, and when they don’t make decisions that’s because they’re smarter than everybody else.”
Urban Dictionary
New Castrati
Expounder (usually male) of politically correct liberal-progressive sound bites who believes in all left-leaning issues such as global warming, feel-good education, conflict resolution, and so forth.
Examples of the New Castrati include: The Iraq Study Group, France, the NEA, San Francisco, Rosie O’Donell, Bill Clinton, Dennis Kucinich, Al Gore etc….
by Joe Francisco Apr 10, 2007
Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
cas·tra·to noun \ka-ˈsträ-(ˌ)tō, kə-\
plural cas·tra·ti\-tē\
Definition of CASTRATO
: a singer castrated before puberty to preserve the soprano or contralto range of his voice
Origin of CASTRATO
Italian, from past participle of castrare to castrate, from Latin
First Known Use: 1763
Media Matters for America
Limbaugh’s sexist trifecta: called Justice Souter “a girl” and Jack Carter “castrated”; returned to disavowed term “feminazis”
February 23, 2006 11:02 am ET
Rush Limbaugh asserted that Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter is “a girl,” and claimed that Jack Carter, son of former President Jimmy Carter, “has been castrated by the feminization of this culture.” Additionally, Limbaugh referred again to “feminazis”—a term he previously claimed he had stopped using.
Limbaugh also called Jack Carter, the son of former President Jimmy Carter, a “[c]lassic example of the new castrati,” claiming he “has been castrated by the feminization of this culture since he grew up.” On February 6, Carter declared his candidacy for a U.S. Senate seat in Nevada.
Google Groups: can.politics
Newsgroups: can.politics
From: “\“The Right One\””

Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 23:48:27 GMT
Local: Tues, Mar 21 2006 5:48 pm
Subject: Rush On Feminism
Doubt me? That’s how TIME Magazine could run a cover on the fact that they just learned men and women are actually born different. They at some point had to believe it’s all the same, we’re just the same. On the things that matter, we’re all just the same, men and women. So when you get right down to it, militant feminists oppose manliness, they oppose womanliness. What they support is neuterliness and they have given us the new castrati, and the new castrati are the guys that are the dream of these women. They have neutered them. They don’t make decisions, and when they don’t make decisions that’s because they’re smarter than everybody else. They’re not so narrow minded and partisan that they get caught up in traditional arguments. They stand above the fray. They assess all sides of the argument, and they make up their minds after engaging in plenty of nuance. There’s no black or white with the new castrati. No, there’s a lot of gray and nuance, and we are better people, and we are smarter people. They don’t make up their minds about anything until a consensus forms, and then they’ll find safe haven in the consensus and they’ll go with that. That’s why so many of the new castrati and the Washington press corps is a bunch of conventional wisdom types. Just go with the tsunami. It’s safe there. Safety in numbers.
RedState (December 5, 2006)
yes, the ISG is a New Castrati whale
by gamecock
RUSH: See? See, ladies and gentlemen? Its value is that it’s bipartisan and they’re attempting to achieve consensus like the new castrati.
The new castrati mobies
Bush is the antithesis of castratis, old and new.
Google Books
February 2007, The Limbaugh Letter, pg. 250, col. 1:
This is the result of what I call “the new Castrati,” the feminized male population of this country. They are not equipped to fight. The culture has been permeated by the pacifist left, which refuses to even acknowledge the fight exists.
Media Matters for America
Limbaugh mocks “the voice of the new castrati”
February 28, 2009 8:00 pm ET
Google Books
The Most Dangerous Man in America:
Rush Limbaugh’s assault on reason

By John K. Wilson
New York, NY: Thomas Dunne Books
Pg. 61:
On the other side of Limbaugh’s “testicle lockbox” being held by controlling bitches is the emasculated, castrated liberal man, the “new castrati.” While women get uniformly dismissed as “ugly” or treated as sex objects by Limbaugh, liberal men are attacked for lacking masculinity. When discussing liberal ideas, Rush often puts a gay lisp in his voice to represent “the voice of the New Castrati, by the way, guys who have lost their guts.” He has said, “What’s happening in our culture is that men are being neutered.”
New York (NY) Times
Fight of the Valkyries
Published: March 22, 2011
Rush Limbaugh mocked the president and his club of “male liberals,” saying: “Of course the males were opposed. It’s the new castrati. ... They’re sissies!”
The Daily Caller
Limbaugh on Ezra Klein: ‘A chickified guy, typical of the new castrati libs’ [VIDEO]
Published: 9:07 AM 12/13/2011 | Updated: 9:16 AM 12/13/2011
On his Monday radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh had a back-handed compliment for liberal Washington Post blogger and self-proclaimed wonk Ezra Klein, who, to Limbaugh’s surprise, had highlighted that the real U.S. unemployment rate is 11 percent in a blog post on Monday — a number that is bad news for President Barack Obama.
“From the Washington Post, Ezra Klein,” Limbaugh said. “We’ve talked about this guy before. He is a chickified guy, typical of the new castrati-libs out there today — a wunderkind. The liberal left, the blogosphere, they think this guy is the second coming. I mean, he is just it. He’s got this blog post at the Washington Post, and he’s got this piece here saying, ‘You know what, the real unemployment rate is 11 percent.’”