New Duranty Times (New York Times nickname)

The New York Times newspaper has many critics who give it many nicknames. Since 2005, Robert Spencer’s blogs Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch have called the newspaper “The New Duranty Times.” Walter Duranty (1884-1957) was a British journalist in the New York Times’ Moscow Bureau from 1922-1936 who reported on the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. Duranty took a blind eye to Stalin’s brutal regime and filed blatantly false reports that were highly favorable to Stalin. In 1932, Duranty’s reports won the Pultizer Prize for journalism.
Robert Spencer calls the New York Times the New Duranty Times to express that the newspaper is whitewashing Islamic jihad in the same manner that it whitewashed Stalin’s political purges, show trials, and denial of the Ukranian famine. The nickname New Duranty Times has been used often on the Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch blogs, but has not spread to many other blogs.
Other Times nicknames include “Gray Lady,” “Jew York Times,”  “New York Crimes,” “New York Slimes,” “New York Times-Democrat,” “New Yuck Times,” “Old York Times,” “Pravda on the Hudson” and “Toilet Paper of Record.”
Wikipedia: The New York Times
The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City and distributed internationally. It is owned by The New York Times Company, which publishes 15 other newspapers, including the International Herald Tribune and The Boston Globe. It is the largest metropolitan newspaper in the United States. Nicknamed the “Gray Lady” for its staid appearance and style, it is often regarded as a national newspaper of record, meaning that it is frequently relied upon as the authoritative reference for modern events. Founded in 1851, the newspaper has won 98 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper. The newspaper’s title, like other similarly-named publications, is often abbreviated to the Times. Its motto, always printed in the upper left-hand corner of the front page, is: “All the news that’s fit to print.”
The publisher is Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., a member of the family that has controlled the paper since 1896. Sulzberger is widely seen as being under increasing pressure lately as dissident investors have pressed the company for board representation as the company’s circulation figures have plummeted amidst an industry-wide circulation downturn and a migration of readers and advertisers to the Internet.
Wikipedia: Walter Duranty
Walter Duranty (1884–October 3, 1957) was a Liverpool-born British journalist who served as the New York Times Moscow bureau chief from 1922 through 1936. Duranty won a Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for a set of stories written in 1931 on Joseph Stalin’s Five-Year Plan to industrialize the Soviet Union. Duranty’s reporting has fallen into disrepute because of his highly favorable portrayal of Stalin, his denial of the Ukranian famine, and his uncritical coverage of Stalin’s show trials.
Most recently, a 2003 report recommended that Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize be revoked, and the Times itself has distanced itself from Duranty’s work. The Pulitzer Board ultimately declined to revoke the Prize, concluding that while Duranty’s work fell far short of “today’s standards for foreign reporting,” there was “no clear and convincing evidence of deliberate deception.” This unsubstantiated claim has been disproven.
Wikipedia: Robert Spencer
Robert Bruce Spencer (born 1962) is an American author who writes articles and books relating to Islam and Islamic terrorism. He has published seven books, including two bestsellers. He is a contributor to the FrontPage magazine, directed by David Horowitz. He founded and currently directs the Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch websites that focus on Islamic terrorism-related events and various Jihad-activity worldwide.
Jihad Watch
February 28, 2005
Spencer: The New York Times: What Jihad?
Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer discusses the deleterious effects of the astoundingly poor media coverage of Islam and jihad, led by the New Duranty Times, in FrontPage this morning:...
Jihad Watch
April 23, 2005
“God curse America!”
“Moussaoui Tells Court He’s Guilty of a Terror Plot,” from the New Duranty Times:...
Jihad Watch
May 4, 2005
New Duranty Times loves Reza Aslan’s new book
This is the state of the free press today: if you write a book that dares to suggest that Islam and the theology and ideology of jihad might have something to do with today’s terrorism (which, of course, the terrorists themselves insist), the and the lemmings that follow in its wake will ignore you, unless they are planning a feature on “Islamophobia.”
Dhimmi Watch
March 13, 2006
Fitzgerald: New Duranty dhimmitude
Jihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald surveys the New York Times’ (a.k.a. the New Duranty Times) “coverage” of the global jihad:...
Gates of Vienna
Monday, May 22, 2006
The New York Times and Sweden: The Dark Side of Paradise
by Baron Bodissey
Robert Spencer and Hugh Fitzgerald of Jihad Watch have a nickname for newspaper the New York Times, which they prefer to call “the New Duranty Times” owing to what they perceive as its poor coverage of the global Islamic jihad. The name, of course, comes from Walter Duranty, former Pulitzer Prize winner and Moscow correspondent for The New York Times in the 1930s. Duranty repeatedly denied the existence of a Ukrainian famine in 1932–33. In an article in NYT, August 24 1933, he claimed “any report of a famine is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda,” while millions of people were dying. According to Spencer and Fitzgerald, this spirit of denial seems to be alive and well at the NYT 70 years later.
Google Groups: Political Forum
From: Travis

Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 20:04:01 -0500
Local: Fri, Jun 13 2008 9:04 pm
Subject: Re: The New York Times, Fair and Balanced
The New Duranty Times (aka nyt) works equally for paper training pit bulls and cocker spaniels.