Swish Set

"Swish" (for "homosexual") is/was an LGBTQ nickname, and the term "swish set" was used for the community. "New York's Swish Set" was printed in the…

Swiss Steak

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Swiss steakSwiss steak is meat, usually beef, prepared by means of rolling or pounding, and then braising in a cooking pot of stewed tomatoes, mushroom sauce,…

T.J. Smaxx (T.J. Maxx nickname)

T.J. Maxx is a retailer with over 900 stores, founded in 1976 in Framingham, Massachusetts. The T.J. Maxx nickname "T.J. Smaxx" has been cited in print since at least 1993, but has been…

Tablecloth Barbecue (Tablecloth BBQ)

Barbecue is often served in a shack -- and not at a fancy restaurant. The main barbecue feature is a barbecue pit and the smoke that it adds to the food; this style of cooking can't be made in…

Taco Tuesday

"Taco Tuesday" is when an eating establishment serves tacos on Tuesday -- usually at a reduced price. "Taco Tuesday" has been cited in print since at least 1971. Taco…

Tacro (taco + croissant)

"Tacro" (taco + croissant) is a portmanteau food word that has been trademarked by Vive La Tarte of San Francisco, California. Vive La Tarte announced the "tacro" on December 4,…

Taiyaki (Japanese fish-shaped cake)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: TaiyakiTaiyaki (鯛焼き , literally "baked sea bream") is a Japanese fish-shaped cake. It imitates the shape of the Tai (Japanese red seabream),…