New Beer’s Eve (April 6)

101.5 WPDH (Poughkeepsie, NY)
What’s New Beer’s Eve and How’s the Hudson Valley Celebrating?
Published: April 5, 2024
We never heard of this pseudo-holiday until recently.
New Beer’s Eve is said to celebrate the end of that sad, dry era known as Prohibition. Technically it celebrates the night before the end. Beer sales became legal on April 7, 1933. But in scenes much like you see for new Apple products today, people started lining up outside taverns and breweries on the night of the 6th.
I guess its only fitting that New Beer’s Day happens to fall the day before the popular national day known as National Beer Day.
Every April 7 is National Beer Day, a time where we can raise a toast to the oldest and most venerable of all beverages. People have been making beer for over 5,000 years; in fact, the oldest recorded recipe we know of is for beer. National Beer Day celebrates the day in 1933 that the Cullen-Harrison act was signed into law, reversing the prohibition on selling beer in the United States.