Politics of Grievance
The "politics of grievance" means telling a political group that they've been wronged (this can be real or can play to prejudices) and that electing a particular politician will…
The "politics of grievance" means telling a political group that they've been wronged (this can be real or can play to prejudices) and that electing a particular politician will…
During Bill Clinton's successful campaign for the U.S. presidency in 1992, questions about his character began to emerge. Reports of extra-marital affairs with Gennifer Flowers and of dodging…
The term "politics of respectability" is credited to a chapter title in Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham's book, Righteous Discontent: The women's movement in the Black Baptist…
PolitiFact.com began in August 2007 as a political fact-checking service by the St. Petersburg (FL) Times. In January 2010, PolitiFact expanded to the Austin (TX) American-Statesman, and then to…
A "politico" (cited in English print since at least the 1600s) is a politician, or someone who works for a politician or holds strong political views. Politico.com (founded in 2007) is a…
"Poliwood" or "poliwood" (politics + Hollywood) is an infrequently used term that is also the title of a 2009 documentary film about 2008's presidential race. Film…
"Polterheist" (poltergeist + heist) is a made-up word that is used in jokes. The movie Poltergeist (1982) popularized the title word. "Idea for a film: 'Polterheist' George…
Iceberg lettuce is a popular lettuce in the United States and is commonly served at restaurants, but it's mostly water and doesn't have the nutritional value or the flavor of other…
Gummy bears (small, fruit gum candies) have nothing to do with polygamy, but there is the joke portmanteau word "polygummy" (polygamy + gummy bear). "Polygummy Bears" was posted…
"I listen to every genre of music. I'm polyjamorous" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. The word "polyjamorous" is a portmanteau of the words…
A "Ponzi scheme" is the method developed by Charles Ponzi (1882-1949), using international reply coupons for postage stamps, to allegedly make money for investors. Ponzi's method was…
The word "ponzimonium" (Ponzi scheme + pandemonium) was coined by Bart Chilton, a commissioner on the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), in March 2009. Chilton…
Ponzinomics (Ponzi scheme + economics) is an economy based on an unsustainable Ponzi scheme, such as printing fiat money and incurring large debts. The term "Ponzinomics" has been cited…
New York Knicks basketball player Shawne Williams was known for his three-point accuracy during the 2010-11 NBA season. On the Knicks blog Posting and Toasting on December 5, 2010, Thelonious Dunk…
The 2011 "Occupy Wall Street" protests began in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park and spread to many other cities, protesting Wall Street greedand other (mostly far left) political causes.…
New York City grants tax breaks to developers who set aside a certain portion of their buildings for affordable housing. An Extell building at 40 Riverside Boulevard, between 61st and 62nd streets,…
The Poor Little Rich Girl (1912) was a play by Eleanor Gates (1875-1951), later made into a film starring Mary Pickford in 1917 and one for Shirley Temple in 1936. Although the young girl of the…
The avocado was called the "poor man's butter" in Latin American countries, where the rich, buttery texture and mild nutty flavor was used in place of butter fat. "Poor…
Snow -- especially a late snow in the spring -- has long been called the "poor man's manure" or "poor man's fertilizer." The snow contains nitrogen that helps plant…
Silver is sometimes called the "poor man's gold" because silver is cheaper to buy. The term "poor man's gold" was used in 1932 by Rene Leon, but other metals (copper,…