SWATing (Swatting)
"Swatting" (also "SWATing" or "SWATting") is when someone calls emergency service (such as "911") from an undetectable location to report a nonexistent crime…
"Swatting" (also "SWATing" or "SWATting") is when someone calls emergency service (such as "911") from an undetectable location to report a nonexistent crime…
A "swing state" is one of the fifty states of the United States that could support (or "swing" to) either one of the two political parties, Republican or Democrat. Political…
"T-triple-P" is New York State government slang for "titles, power, pork and patronage." The acronym was coined by Brooklyn Democratic State Senate Leader John Sampson on July…
(Oxford English Dictionary)Tammany a. The name of the central organization of the Democratic party in the City (formerly also in the State) of New York, located in Tammany Hall, in 14th Street, New…
Thomas Nast is also given credit for the Tammany tiger, and again, this is incorrect. Certainly, his November 11, 1871 Harper's Weekly political cartoon is perhaps the most famous in American…
"There ain't no justice" is a phrase that dates to at least the 1850s. "There Ain't No Justice" was the title of several "Moon Mullins" newspaper comic…
"TANSTAAFL" stands for "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch." "TANSTAAFMWH" means "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Minimum Wage Hike.…
A "tax donkey" or "tax mule" is the average taxpayer, who works to support a government and gets very little back in the form of any representation or benefits. Charles Hugh…
"Taxmageddon" (tax + Armageddon) is a time when tax rates will increase to very high levels to pay for existing debts. The word "taxmageddon" has been cited in print since at…
"TBOTFG" ("The Balls On That/This Fucking Guy") was used by the conservative blog Ace of Spades HQ on May 3, 2013, in the blog post "TBOTFG: Obama Blames Mexican Gun…
Tea parties were held across America on April 15, 2009 (tax day) and July 4, 2009 (Independence Day) to protest runaway government spending and bailouts. The events were based on the Boston tea…
"Teabagging" (or "tea-bagging" or "tea bagging") is a sexual slang term about an oral sex act. The male's scrotum is the "tea bag." The slang dates to…
A "teabilly" (tea party participant + hillbilly) is an unsophisticated person who believes in tea party issues, such as limited government. The term, like "hillbilly," is…
"Teabonics" (tea party + Ebonics) is a derogatory term for misspelled tea party signs. The term "teabonics" appears to have been coined by a March 28, 2010 photo gallery of tea…
"Teahadist" (tea party + jihadist) is an epithet used against tea party members, comparing them to religious fanatics dedicated to jihad. The term "teahadist" has been cited in…
"Tealiban" (tea party + Taliban) is used to describe the political tea party movement that some believe is as extremist as the Taliban. "Tealiban" has been cited in print since…
"Teanami" (tea party + tsunami election) is a name used in September-October 2010 for a predicted tea party victory in the November 2010 midterm elections. "Teanami" has been…
A "Teapublican" (also "TEApublican" or "TeaPublican") is a tea party Republican, supporting tea party ideals of low taxes and limited government. The opposite of a…
A "tearrorist" or "TEArrorist" (tea party participant + terrorist) is a participant in the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party who some people believe holds extremist views. The…
"Teatanic" or "TEAtanic" (tea party + Titanic) is a term used by those who believe that the tea party's politics is a disaster (like the sinking of the RMS Titanic). The…