U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalism (U.S. Chamber of Commerce nickname)

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is an American lobbying group that represents the interests of many businesses. Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin criticized the group in December 2013:
“We need to shake up that place like it’s never been shaken before.  And the problem with groups like the United States Chamber of Commerce is they’re not conservative, they’re about business.  They’re not about capitalism, they’re about cronyism.  The reason there is a United States Chamber of Commerce is so they can get Congress to cut deals for them, or the White House to cut deals for them, or the bureaucracy to cut deals for them.  That’s what they’re there for.”
In January 2014, Levin started calling the U.S. Chamber of Commerce the “U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalism,” popularizing that nickname. “The Chamber of Crony-Capitalism” was cited on Twitter on March 16, 2012. “U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalists” was cited in print on November 9, 2013, and “Chamber of Crony Commerce” was cited on November 10, 2013.
Wikipedia: United States Chamber of Commerce
The United States Chamber of Commerce (USCC) is an American lobbying group representing the interests of many businesses and trade associations. It is not an agency of the United States government.
The Chamber is staffed with policy specialists, lobbyists and lawyers. Politically, the Chamber is generally considered to be a conservative organization. It usually supports Republican political candidates, though it has occasionally supported conservative Democrats. The Chamber is one of the largest lobbying groups in the U.S., spending more money than any other lobbying organization on a yearly basis.
Ron Getty
Free Enterprise? Nope - The Chamber of Crony-Capitalism - Mises Daily http://bit.ly/FOnuea
12:29 PM - 16 Mar 2012
R.I.P., G.O.P.
Posted on November 9, 2013 by admin
Chamber Of Commerce: “We will try to destroy the Tea Party because they won’t let us betray the country.”
Betraying America
US Chamber of Crony Capitalists
Hot Air
The next target of the establishment insurgency: Justin Amash
I’m not a big fan of Amash, but I will certainly support him over some RINO hack bought and paid for by the Chamber of Crony Commerce.
Wigglesworth on November 10, 2013 at 11:46 AM
CNS News
Levin: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Is About Cronyism, Not Capitalism
December 17, 2013 - 1:38 PM
By James Beattie
Mark Levin said Monday on his syndicated radio program Monday that the United States Chamber of Commerce is “not about capitalism, they’re about cronyism,” continuing with the theme of the divide between “establishment Republicans” and “conservatives.”
Levin said:
“We need to shake up that place like it’s never been shaken before.  And the problem with groups like the United States Chamber of Commerce is they’re not conservative, they’re about business.  They’re not about capitalism, they’re about cronyism.  The reason there is a United States Chamber of Commerce is so they can get Congress to cut deals for them, or the White House to cut deals for them, or the bureaucracy to cut deals for them.  That’s what they’re there for.”
“They’re part of the problem.  The idea that big companies are necessarily conservative is absurd.”
★♥ Harriet Baldwin
US Chamber of Crony Capitalism.- #Levin
6:19 PM - 8 Jan 2014
Google Groups: Political Forum
Expanding Welfare State by Pushing Amnesty
Jan 15
Levin: Boehner, Cantor, Ryan Expanding Welfare State by Pushing Amnesty
January 15, 2014
Radio’s Mark Levin on Friday evening excoriated House GOP leadership, particularly House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, for their immigration policies that will end up aiding an increased welfare state:
Levin said the reason why Republicans and the Chamber of Commerce—which he called the “Chamber of Crony Capitalism”—support amnesty is not because they think it will help the GOP but because they want more money. “If you increase or legalize people who are here illegally, there’s really no reason for business to increase wages or benefits on their own—which is exactly why the U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalism is pushing it,” Levin said.
You and I and everybody else, we have to pay for these school systems and hospital systems and the infrastructure that’s affected by all of this, local law enforcement, state law enforcement. There is a price. But the U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalism doesn’t give a damn. They’re not going to pay it.
Mark R. Levin
Does the U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalism own the national GOP? http://fb.me/1fccIlhxD
9:27 PM - 6 May 2014
TPNN (Tea Party News Network)
Mark Levin ‘Renames’ the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
May 14, 2014 By Matthew Burke
This week U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue gave the Republican Party an ultimatum and threat, either pass amnesty or don’t even bother fielding a presidential candidate in 2016.

Popular conservative talk show host, constitutional scholar, and best selling author Mark Levin responded to Donohue in his usual sharp-tongued fashion (Listen Below), blasting Donohue and taking the liberty to “rename” the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalism.
WackoAngryBird Ed
The US Chamber of Crony Capitalism or as we know it as the US Chamber of Commerce. They want to destroy the middle class. #Boycott US CofC
8:25 AM - 16 Jul 2014