Teapublican (tea party + Republican)
A "Teapublican" (also "TEApublican" or "TeaPublican") is a tea party Republican, supporting tea party ideals of low taxes and limited government. The opposite of a…
A "Teapublican" (also "TEApublican" or "TeaPublican") is a tea party Republican, supporting tea party ideals of low taxes and limited government. The opposite of a…
A "tearrorist" or "TEArrorist" (tea party participant + terrorist) is a participant in the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party who some people believe holds extremist views. The…
"Teatanic" or "TEAtanic" (tea party + Titanic) is a term used by those who believe that the tea party's politics is a disaster (like the sinking of the RMS Titanic). The…
"Teatard" [TEA (Taxed Enough Already) party participant + retard] is an epithet used against the anti-tax, pro-smaller government "tea party" rallies that were popularized on…
A "teavangelist" (tea party supporter + evangelist) is a Christian minister who supports the tea party's political agenda. "Teavangelist" has been cited in print since at…
The Blaze is a conservative news website, founded by Fox News host Glenn Beck, that premiered on August 31, 2010. On October 30, 2010, commenter "epkkik851" at Media Matters for America…
The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States…
"TERF" is an acronym for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist." A variation of the TERF acronym is "Tired of Explaining Reality to Fools/Fuckwits." "TERF Tired of…
"TERF" is an acronym for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist." A variation of the TERF acronym is "Tired of Explaining Reality to Fools/Fuckwits." "TERF Tired of…
A bomb exploded in a trash can at West 23rd Street, in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, on September 17, 2016. The Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera called it "terror…
"Terroracism" (terror + racism) and "terroracist" (terror + racist) combine the undesirable qualities of a "terrorist" and a "racist" into single terms.…
"Terrorganda" (terror + propaganda) occurs when a government tells its citizens to prepare for an often unspecified terror threat, as the United States did in August 2013 when it closed…
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the successor to World War II's Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The CIA has been nicknamed "The Company" since at least 1972, when that…
The media always comes up with a handful of familiar names as potential candidates for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations. Who decides on this small group of names? Russell…
The United States House of Representatives have been called "the People's House" because of the direct election of representatives. Members of the United States Senate (the other…
The Young Turks (TYT Network) was founded in 2002 and bills itself as "The Largest Online News Show in the World." The Young Turks were given the nickname "The Young Turds" in…
Police often take a person's property (such as cash, a car and even a house) on the suspicion of a crime -- although frequently no criminal charges are ever filed. Many critics have argued…
Think Progress is a blog from the progressive think tank, Center for American Progress. Critics of Think Progress have dubbed it "Think Regress" (or "ThinkRegress") since at…
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) began in 2001 under the U.S. Department of Transportation; in 2003, TSA was moved to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The TSA's…
The "three G's of politics" are "God, guns, and gays." The term dates in print to at least 1994, when Jim Inhofe (R-OK) successfully won a seat in the U.S. Senate…