Spokes-liar (spokesman/spokesperson + liar)
"Spokes-liar" or "spokesliar" (spokesman/spokesperson + liar) is a term used by those who believe that a spokesperson is making nonsensical, overly subservient points. The…
"Spokes-liar" or "spokesliar" (spokesman/spokesperson + liar) is a term used by those who believe that a spokesperson is making nonsensical, overly subservient points. The…
"Spokes-tool" or "spokestool" (spokesman/spokesperson + tool) is a term used by those who believe that a spokesperson is making nonsensical, overly subservient points. The…
"Spokeshole" or "spokes-hole" (spokesman/spokesperson + asshole) is a term used by those who believe that a spokesperson is making nonsensical, overly subservient points. The…
"St. Wapniacl" was the old mnemonic to remember the offices of the President of the United States' Cabinet. It was arranged in order of creation and importance: State, Treasury, War,…
The term "star spangled flag" dates to 1805. Francis Scott Key (1779-1843) wrote a poem to the then-popular London tune of "To Anacreon in Heaven" that included the lyric: By…
The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank founded in 1976 and located in Washington, DC. Some critics believe that Cato isn't truly libertarian enough and is too statist, supporting a…
A "stemwinder" is a rousing speech. "Stemwinder" has also meant a keyless watch and geared logging locomotive. The "stemwinder" speech has been cited in print since at…
Think Progress is a blog from the progressive think tank, Center for American Progress. Critics of Think Progress have dubbed it "Stink Progress" (or "StinkProgress") since at…
A "straw poll" (or "straw vote") is a vote on a candidate or issue; straws are not used tally the votes, but straws might originally have been used. The early straw votes were…
A "stump speech" originally was a speech (often given by a political candidate) where the speaker stands on a tree stump. The term "stump speech" has been cited in print since…
An old Washington joke is that the Republicans are called "the stupid party" and the Democrats are called "the evil party." When the Republicans and Democrats get together on…
The Democrats won control of the House of Representatives after the November 2018 election. Axios reported "Democrats load "subpoena cannon" with 85+ Trump target" by Mike Allen…
"Suckretary" (suck + secretary) is a derogatory term that originally described a female secretary working under a male boss. However, "suckretary" has also been used to deride…
"Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SAD or SADS, similar to SIDS for infants) is when an adult dies suddenly and unexpectedly. The term is usually used to hint at the probable cause of…
"Sudden Athlete Death Syndrome” (SAD or SADS, similar to SIDS for infants) is when an athlete (active or recently retired) dies suddenly and unexpectedly. Athletes are thought to be young…
"Sudden Invented Death Syndrome” (SIDS, the same acronym as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is when an adult dies suddenly and unexpectedly. This term is usually used to hint at the probable…
"Sudden Invented Death Syndrome” (SIDS, the same acronym as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is when an adult dies suddenly and unexpectedly. This term is usually used to hint at the probable…
"Suddenlyitis" is when someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly, such as a young person thought to be in good health. The term is usually used to hint at the probable cause of death -- the…
The term "Super Congress" was introduced on July 24, 2011, and became part of the deal to increase the debt ceiling. A special committee or "Super Congress" of 13 persons…
The U.S. Supreme Court was established in the United States Constitution in 1789 and is the highest federal court in the Untied States. "Supreme Dorks" is an unflattering nickname that…