Up or Down Vote (thumbs up or thumbs down)
An "up or down vote" is a straight "yea or nay" vote on an amendment or a bill. An "up or down vote" can also be called a "clean vote," although that usually…
An "up or down vote" is a straight "yea or nay" vote on an amendment or a bill. An "up or down vote" can also be called a "clean vote," although that usually…
"USAtheist" (USA + atheist) has been printed on many gift items (such as T-shirts and bumper stickers) and usually stands for people in the United States of America (USA) who are…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Useful idiotIn political jargon, the term useful idiot was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in western countries and the attitude of the Soviet government…
"Useless Nations" has been a nickname of the United Nations applied by critics since at least 1961. Many Americans criticize that the United States pays the most to support the UN, but…
Changing "U.S.A." to "U.S.S.A." (for "United Socialist States of America" or "United States of Socialist America") is imitative of "U.S.S.R."…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in vaccines, but many people believed that the vaccines were dangerous. The terms "vaccassinate" (vaccine/vaccinate + assassinate) and…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in vaccines, but many people believed that the vaccines were dangerous. The terms "vaccassinate" (vaccine/vaccinate + assassinate) and…
Some people against vaccines have called a person pushing vaccines a "vaccinazi" (vaccine + Nazi). The term has been used in English and in other languages, such as German, Dutch and…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in vaccines, but many people refused to take the vaccines. "Vacism" (or "vaccism," "vaxism," "vaxxism") is…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in vaccines, but many people refused to take the vaccines. "Vacism" (or "vaccism," "vaxism," "vaxxism") is…
"Vackseen" (vaccine) and "vackseenz" (vaccines) are variant spellings, sometimes for jocular effect and sometimes to get around computer algorithms. The spellings became popular…
"Vackseen" (vaccine) and "vackseenz" (vaccines) are variant spellings, sometimes for jocular effect and sometimes to get around computer algorithms. The spellings became popular…
"Vacksinashun" (vaccination) is a variant spelling, sometimes for jocular effect and sometimes to get around computer algorithms. The spelling became popular in 2020 with the COVID-19…
"Vacksinate" (vaccinate) and "vacksination" (vaccination) are variant spellings, sometimes for jocular effect and sometimes to get around computer algorithms. The spellings…
"Vacksinate" (vaccinate) and "vacksination" (vaccination) are variant spellings, sometimes for jocular effect and sometimes to get around computer algorithms. The spellings…
"Vagenda" (vagina + agenda) is a woman's agenda; this could include feminism. "While this is bullseye when there's a Gloria Allred on the vagenda" was posted on the…
"RINO" (Republican In Name Only) is a popular political term that has inspired other "in name only" terms. "JINO" means "Jew(ish) In Name Only." A…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Similar terms include Y'all Qaeda" and "Yeehawdist." Wikipedia: Islamic State of Iraq and the LevantThe Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, IPA…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in vaccines, but many people believed that the vaccines were dangerous. The terms "vaxassinate" (vaccine/vaccinate + assassinate) and…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in vaccines, but many people believed that the vaccines were dangerous. The terms "vaxassinate" (vaccine/vaccinate + assassinate) and…