Turd Sandwich
A “turd sandwich” is something unpalatable that, for some reason or other, is being served up. The term was popularized on the "Douche and Turd" episode of the television show South…
A “turd sandwich” is something unpalatable that, for some reason or other, is being served up. The term was popularized on the "Douche and Turd" episode of the television show South…
Edward Snowden, an American technical contractor, revealed information about a classified National Security Agency (NSA) spy program to The Guardian newspaper in June 2013. Snowden believed that…
The blog "Queens Crap" began in December 2006, with this stated purpose: "A website focused on the overdevelopment and 'tweeding' of the borough of Queens in the City of…
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic< was feared to exist alongside a flu epidemic. The word "twindemic" (twin +epidemic/pandemic) was coined. "H1N1 & Covid-19=twindemic"…
"Twiplomacy" (Twitter + diplomacy) is diplomacy using Twitter, an online social networking service. "I hereby invent 'Twiplomacy' =Twitter as public diplomacy tool"…
The "tyranny of good intentions" occurs, for example, when government legislates lifestyle choices, such as what light bulb is acceptable, or what toilet is acceptable, or what amount of…
"U Signed the Motherfucking Contract" is a backronym (back acronym) of "USMC" (United States Marine Corps). "U Signed the Motherfucking Contract" has been cited in…
"U Suckers Miss(ed) Christmas" is a backronym (back acronym) of "USMC" (United States Marine Corps). "U Suckers Missed Christmas" has been cited in print since at…
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is an American lobbying group that represents the interests of many businesses. Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin criticized the group in December 2013:…
"Uncle Sam Ain't Released Me Yet" is a backronym (back acronym) for "U.S. Army." "U.S. Army, which many soldiers will tell you is a contraction for 'Uncle Sam…
"Uncle Sam's canoe club" is a nickname for the United States Navy. "Uncle Sam's canoe club (pardon, navy)" was cited in print in 1950. Wiktionary: Glossary of military…
The United States Coast Guard is part of the United States Armed Forces and was created by Congress in 1790 as the "Revenue Marine." The Coast Guard is smaller than the military divisions…
"Uncle Sam's Motorcycle Club" is a backronym (back acronym) of "USMC" (United States Marine Corps). "Uncle Sam's Motorcycle Club" has been cited in print…
"Uncle Sam's Mountain Climbers" is a backronym (back acronym) of "USMC" (United States Marine Corps). "Uncle Sammy's Mountain Climbers" has been cited in…
The United States Coast Guard is part of the United States Armed Forces and was created by Congress in 1790 as the "Revenue Marine." The Coast Guard is smaller than the military divisions…
The United States government checks some people's Internet activity (among other activities) and some citizens believe that government surveillance has gotten out of control. The United States…
Conservative writer Ben Domenech coined the term "undertow election" in an October 30, 2012 article for Real Clear Politics titled "Are We Looking at an Undertow Election?" A…
Republicans have often claimed that the Democrat Party is the political party of illegal immigration. One joke is that they're no longer called "illegal aliens," but are now called…
A "unicorn fart" is an imaginary and magical substance; it's often joked that the energy of the future won't be gas or coal (or even solar or wind), but unicorn farts, rainbows…
Entry in progress -- BP Wiktionary: unipartyEtymologyFrom uni- + party.Adjectiveuniparty (not comparable)1. (politics) Having only one political party, especially where opposition parties are…