Truthtard (truther + retard)

“Truthard” (truther + retard) is a derogatory term for someone who believes in conspiracies.  “More laughs for us at the expense of the ‘truth-tard’ movement” was cited in print in October 2006. “The geniuses from the truthtard movement still cannot seem to grasp that concept” was cited in May 2007.
Similar political terms using “retard” (or “-tard”) include “Retardican” (since January 1996), “sheeptard”(since March 1999), “Republitard” (since April 2002), “neotard” (since May 2002), “rightard” (since January 2003), “patriotard” (since April 2003), “Demotard” (since July 2003), “libtard” (since July 2004), “GOPtard” (since July 2004), “leftard” (since August 2004), “wingtard” (since October 2004), “conservatard” (since November 2005), “Muzztard”(since December 2006), “teatard” (since March 2009), “crumbtard” (since May 2011), “occutard” (since October 2011) and unitard” (since August 2016).
Screw Loose Change     
South Park Episode Review
At 12 October, 2006 12:39,  Blogger The Artistic Macrophage said…
ok, whatever allows you to continue the fight dude. More laughs for us at the expense of the “truth-tard” movement.
ATS (Above Top Secret)
posted on May, 28 2007 @ 07:12 AM
As to the hole in the back, that was made by a chunk of a cargo doorway frame, I have said that on this site until I am blue in the face, but the geniuses from the truthtard movement still cannot seem to grasp that concept.
W’s Blog   
Oct 21, 2007 8:49:35 AM
looks like us ‘sheeple’ win again
Anyone else out there familiar with what happened on ‘Real Time with Bill Maher’ this week?  Apparently a couple 9/11 Truthtards showed up and began to heckle him because they took exception to some of his comments regarding the outlandish conspiracy theories that are being toted around as explanation for what happened on September 11, 2001: ...
Google Groups:
Ron Paul really blew it a couple weeks ago when he endorsed the official fairy tale on 911
There are a lot of things beyond the Truthtards. Girlfriends for instance.
John Hattan
90.1 FM is the NPR station in Dallas. In Austin it’s a 24-hour Libertarian 911-truthtard station.
7:40 AM - 17 Sep 2008
Jacob Spinney
I commented on a YouTube video—“Only truthtards think Tonkin was false flag.”
So even though I have ma…
11:33 PM - 19 Sep 2009
@ThisWeekABC Van Jones? Seriously? A 9/11 truthtard is the best you can do to talk about adult-level issues of national importance?

9:46 AM - 8 Feb 2015
/r/conspiracyThe Truthtards do not like it when someone says that their movement has been discredited. (
submitted May 31, 2015 by SepulchxrTop Cunt of Reddit
The 9/11 Truth-tards
Dick Coughlan
Published on Jun 5, 2015
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