Charter School

"Charter schools" were started in Minnesota in the early 1990s. They operate independently of the local school system, thus offering much-needed competition. (Oxford English…

Classhole (class + asshole)

A "classhole" (class + asshole) is an annoying person at school. "The jerk of the class!" was a definition in the Urban Dictionary on February 17, 2003. A popular definition was…

Dormitory Row

"Dormitory Row" is Third Avenue, between St. Mark's Place and 14th Street. The entire area seems to be owned mostly by New York University. The website "Jossip" has called…

Easy Pass (school program)

"Easy Pass" is the nickname given to a school program that helps students pass without doing much work. The name "Easy Pass" is similar to the name of the E-ZPass electronic…

Ed-Exit (education + exit)

American author, physician and former politician Ron Paul wrote the article "Education System Broken: Let’s Try ‘Ed-Exit’" on November 21, 2016 for the Ron Paul Institute. The…