Come Late And Start Sleeping (“class” backronym)
"Come Late And Start Sleeping" is a backronym (back-acronym) of the word "class" that has been printed on many gift items, such as T-shirts and posters. "C.L.A.S.S - Come…
"Come Late And Start Sleeping" is a backronym (back-acronym) of the word "class" that has been printed on many gift items, such as T-shirts and posters. "C.L.A.S.S - Come…
"Come On Let's Love Each Girl Equally" is a jocular backronym (back-acronym) of the word "college" that has been printed on many images. "Meaning of college is come on…
The Common Core State Standards Initiative (or "Common Core") is an educational program to teach common standards in United States schools. Critics have claimed that it teaches students…
First there was SUNY ("sue-knee," not "sunny"), the State University of New York. Then came CUNY ("cue-knee," not "cunny"), the City University of New York.…
American journalist Wayne Barrett (1945-2017), a columnist for The Village Voice, gave the New York City Department of Education a nickname of "Department of Exaggeration" in three 2009…
The College of Staten Island calls its athletic teams the "Dolphins." No one knows why. 20 February 1979, New York Times, pg. C10:And, during the nine games that make up the City…
"Dormitory Row" is Third Avenue, between St. Mark's Place and 14th Street. The entire area seems to be owned mostly by New York University. The website "Jossip" has called…
New York City's WABC talk radio host Curtis Sliwa announced, on March 5, 2018, that the New York City Department of Education (DOE) had a new chancellor. Sliwa, no fan of the DOE, said:…
"Easy Pass" is the nickname given to a school program that helps students pass without doing much work. The name "Easy Pass" is similar to the name of the E-ZPass electronic…
American author, physician and former politician Ron Paul wrote the article "Education System Broken: Let’s Try ‘Ed-Exit’" on November 21, 2016 for the Ron Paul Institute. The…
"Edjamacation" is a jocular spelling for the word "education." "Edjamacation" has been cited in print since at least 1934, when it was spoken by the very popular…
"Educamation" is a jocular spelling for the word "education." "Educamation" has been cited in print since at least 1998 and does not appear to have any obvious author.…
"Educashun" is a jocular spelling -- using eye dialect -- for the word "education." "Educashun" has been cited in print since at least 1848. The humorist "Josh…
"Educayshun” is a jocular spelling—using eye dialect—for the word “education.” "Counsel of Educayshun" was cited in Punch, or the London Charivari in 1843, but the spelling…
"Edumacation" is a jucolar spelling of the word "education," cited in print since at least 1912. A speaker might say "I'se got a good edumacation," indicating…
Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) is a private, coeducational and nonsectarian university that was founded in New Jersey in 1942. Fairleigh S. Dickinson (1866-1948) was a benefactor. FDU has…
Admissions offices in the pre-Internet era used to send acceptance letters in the mail. College seniors (or others applying to educational institutions) checked the mail each day, hoping for the…
"First Attempt In Learning" is a backronym (back acronym) of the word "fail." The "fail" backronym has been printed on many posters. "FAIL most def.. First…
The Founding Fathers of the United States wrote documents in cursive, but most people seldom write in cursive today. Cursive is sometimes called "founding father handwriting."…
"Fuck, I Never Actually Learned Shit" is a backronym (back-acronym) for the word "finals" that has been printed on many gift items, such as T-shirts and posters. There is a…