“Why is gravity so cheap?”/“Because it’s mass-produced.”
A science riddle is: Q: Why is gravity so cheap?A: Because it's mass produced. The joke was posted on Reddit -- 3amjokes on January 15, 2022. Reddit -- 3amjokesPosted byu/Adghnm January 15,…
A science riddle is: Q: Why is gravity so cheap?A: Because it's mass produced. The joke was posted on Reddit -- 3amjokes on January 15, 2022. Reddit -- 3amjokesPosted byu/Adghnm January 15,…
A pirate riddle was posted on Twitter on March 13, 2012: Q: What grades do you need to get into pirate college? A: Seven C's. A slightly different pirate college riddle was posted on Reddit --…
"Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson. You find the present tense and the past perfect. -- Robert Orben" was printed in the Family Weekly weekend newspaper supplement on July 5, 1974.…
"Nazi" sounds like "Not-C." A riddle is: Q: Why is the letter "C" afraid of the rest of the alphabet?A: All the other letters are Not-Cs. The joke was posted on Reddit…
"Thot" (a woman who is sexually promiscuous) sounds like "thought." There are several math puns about "the thot that counts," a joke on the saying "it's the…
A popular "cannibal in school" riddle is: Q: Why was the cannibal expelled frm school?A: Because he was buttering up his teacher. The cannibal jokehas been cited in print since at least…
A circle riddle is: Q: Why was the circle depressed?A: She thought her life was pointless. "'Everything just seems so pointless' - depressed circle" was posted on Twitter by…
A math riddle has been printed on several images: Q: Why was the math book sad?A: Because it had so many problems. The riddle was printed in many newspapers in 1987. “I’m not sure how many…
The math term "rhombus" sounds like "wrong bus," and there's a pun: Q: Why was the math teacher late for school?A: He took the rhombus. "Rhombus. Wrong bus?" was…
A music teacher riddle was posted on Twitter by LITTLE MISS PATATAS on June 18, 2010: Q: Why was the music teacher angry? A: Because the kids were always passing notes. The joke has also been…
"Infractions" shouldn't be confused with "in fractions," but there are jokes. "I was kicked out of math class for one too many infractions. Pun of the Day…
A report card riddle is: Q: Why was the student's report card wet?A: Because his grades were below C level. The "C level" (sea level) joke was printed in several newspapers in 1973.…
Tom Burns of The Good Man Project wrote in "25 Things I Think Every Dad Should Teach His Kids" on February 20, 2013 for The Huffington Post: "1. Winning is fun, but it teaches you…
"Work while they sleep. Learn while they party. Save while they spend. Live like they dream" are motivational lines that have been printed on many images. The saying has been cited in…
"Working with academics is like herding cats" is a T-shirt slogan that is popular in the education field, although "herding cats" has a longer history. According to the 2003…
Many students copy the homework of others. "Worst excuse for not turning in homework: I couldn't find anyone to copy it from" is a jocular school saying that has been printed on…
"Would you send your son to a school run by someone who insisted on being called 'Headmaster?'" is a popular pun. The jocular question was posted on the newsgroup rec.humor on…
A popular "yo mama" insult "so dark" joke is: "Yo mama is so dark, she went to night school and was marked absent." The joke was posted on the newsgroup rec.humor on…
A popular "yo mama" insult "fat joke" is: "Yo mama is so fat, when she was in school she sat next to everybody." The joke was popularized on the American television…
"You are your child's first teacher" is a saying that emphasizes the parents' role in education. The saying was popularized as the title of a bestselling book, You Are Your…