“You’re like school in July—no class”

School is usually out in July and August, although there sometimes is summer school.  “My English teacher is like school in the summertime ... no class” was cited in a 1985 book. “Like School in the Summertime: No Class” was cited in a 1997 book.
“You’re like school in July” was in a 2001 episode of the television show Scrubs. “You’re like school on Saturday: no class” was in the movie Fat Albert (2004).
Google Books
Portraits of High Schools:
A Supplement to High School: A Report on Secondary Education in America, Volume 2

By Vito Perrone and Associates
Princeton, NJ: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching; Lawrenceville, NJ: Available from the Princeton University Press
Pg. 184:
Asked for an illustration of simile, one student wrote, “My English teacher is like school in the summertime ... no class.”
Google Books 
Professional MFC with Visual C++5
By Mike Blaszczak
Birmingham, AL: Wrox Press
Pg. 346:
Like School in the Summertime: No Class
Wikia: Scrubs
“My Day Off”
Season One
Episode Nine
Writer Janae Bakken
Director Elodie Keene
Air date November 20, 2001
Wikia: My Day Off transcript
Turk: I can’t believe you, I would never ever do something like this to you. You’re like school in July.
J.D.: What do you mean like school in July?
Turk: No class.
Google Groups: alt.infertility.primary
OT:RUED friend vent!!! kids and a bitch ment!
It is plain rude and as my cousin says, they are like school in July : no class.
Urban Dictionary
School in summertime
No class.
LaTiqua stolled my boyfriend, that’s like school in summertime.
by Phat-Piimp September 09, 2003
IMDb.com (Internet Movie Database)
Fat Albert (2004)

Rudy: You’re like school on Saturday: no class.
Urban Dictionary
Just like school in July
In American term-times, July is the time when children don’t have school. Thus someone who’s just like school in july has no class.
“Dude you’re just like school in July: no class.”
by Robert Head April 18, 2007
Yahoo! Answers
August 21, 2007
Do you know anyone who is like july?
....no class?
Rachael Kane
“alex is like july..no class” AHAHA :’)
11:03 AM - 23 Aug 2009
That’s whats wrong these days, hoes &their gross ways. These females like July, NO CLASS. #Gtfoh &try again.
8:11 AM - 16 Feb 2010
Elliott James
12TH FEB 2011
So I’m going to Spain over Easter to record a couple tracks for the NYD EP, these are the songs that will be on the EP, hopefully. We may not be able to record them all but here’s the track listing - see what you think of the song titles etc.
1. Take Me Away *
2. Dance All Night *
3. You’re Like July. No Class. *
Fat Abbot South Park Clip 2 School In Sumertime
Uploaded on Oct 2, 2011
Cartman wondering what the hell is going on in Fat Abbot?
Do you like school in summertime?
You’re Like School In July
– DECEMBER 28, 2012
You’re like school in July – no class
You’re like August
No class
2:40 PM - 17 Jul 2014
“You’re like July: no class” HahahahahahhahahahaHHHHHHAAA that was the funniest ish ever!!!! @hchristinex
7:17 PM - 23 Mar 2015
You’re like school in July… (self.Jokes)
submitted June 18, 2015 by Laefffy
No class
you’re like July,
no class**
** no offense for all who have classes on July
6:51 AM - 2 Jul 2015