Archive for 03/2019

“Alcohol you later”

"Alcohol you later" sounds like "I'll call you later" and has been printed on many images. " Alcohol you later" was the punchline of a joke that was posted on the…

Texalina (Texas + Carolina) barbecue

Both Texas and North Carolina have important barbecue traditions. "I win all debates, Tom, when I serve 'em a Texalina or Carolas barbecue that combines the best of both" was written…

“Lobster rolls not gender roles”

"Lobster rolls not gender roles" is a gender saying that has been printed on many images. "Lobster rolls not gender roles" was posted on Twitter by F. Murray Parma Ham on May…

“Sushi rolls not gender roles”

"Sushi rolls not gender roles" is a gender saying that has been printed on many images. "Sushi rolls not gender roles" was posted on Twitter by Léna on August 16, 2013. Similar…

“Pizza rolls not gender roles”

"Pizza rolls not gender roles" is a gender saying that has been printed on many images. "Pizza rolls, not gender roles" was posted on Twitter by Sam Wilson on September 24,…