Alphebetical for "t"

“Tyler and Texas!”

President John Tyler tried to form a new party of Democratic Republicans, using "Tyler and Texas!" as its slogan. Tyler's Texas annexation treaty was rejected by the Senate, 35-16,…

T.J. Smaxx (T.J. Maxx nickname)

T.J. Maxx is a retailer with over 900 stores, founded in 1976 in Framingham, Massachusetts. The T.J. Maxx nickname "T.J. Smaxx" has been cited in print since at least 1993, but has been…

Ta-kill-ya (tequila)

"Ta-kill-ya" is one of several nicknames for "tequila." The nickname is said when the tequila is strong. Google BooksMister White Eyesa novel by Herbert GoldNew York: Arbor…

Tablecloth Barbecue (Tablecloth BBQ)

Barbecue is often served in a shack -- and not at a fancy restaurant. The main barbecue feature is a barbecue pit and the smoke that it adds to the food; this style of cooking can't be made in…


The taco is the quintessential Mexican sandwich. It's a major part of Tex-Mex cuisine and is first cited in English (1901) in a book about Mexico City. Wikipedia: TacoA taco is a traditional…

Taco Guts

"Taco guts" is another term for "taco filling" -- the stuff placed inside the taco shell. "Taco guts" has been cited in print since at least 2003, but has been used…