Alphebetical for "t"

“Tostadas are just flat tacos”

Several Mexican foods have been described as "flat tacos." Tostadas are most frequently described as flat tacos, but the description has also been applied to chalupas, Mexican pizza,…

“Tough love”

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Tough love The phrase tough love is believed to have originated with Bill Milliken's book of the same title in 1968. It is an expression used when someone…

“Tough tomatoes!”

"Tough tomato" described a tough boxer ("one tough hombre" is now used) by as early as 1922. Jack Conway of Variety had described club fighters (with more heart than physical…

“Tougher than a two-dollar steak”

The columnist Molly Ivins described Ann Richards as "tougher than a two-dollar steak." The steak phrase is an old one and not confined to Texas. The price of the steak has varied through…