“Forget about world peace. Visualize using your turn signal”
"Forget (about) world peace. Visualize using your turn signal" (also "World peace begins with your turn signal" and "World peace starts with using your turn signal")…
"Forget (about) world peace. Visualize using your turn signal" (also "World peace begins with your turn signal" and "World peace starts with using your turn signal")…
People are often told by new employers, "Forget everything you learned in college!" The idea behind the statement is that "real world" applications are different. A joke was…
People are often told by new employers, "Forget everything you learned in college!" The idea behind the statement is that "real world" applications are different. A joke was…
"Forget love -- I'd rather fall in chocolate" (or "Forget love -- I want to fall in chocolate") is a popular saying around Valentine's Day. The saying is usually given…
"Two tips for Christmas: 1. Forget the past. You can't change it. 2. Forget the present. I didn't get you one" is a joke that has been printed on many images. There is a pun on…
"Forget (about) world peace. Visualize using your turn signal" (also "World peace begins with your turn signal" and "World peace starts with using your turn signal")…
"Forgive me Father, Pastor, Vicar, Padre, Priest... for I have Synonymed" has been shown on a comic strip image by Cuyler Black of InherittheMirth.com, copyright 2011. There have been…
"Forgive your enemies, but don't/never forget their names" (or "Forgive your enemies, but always remember their names") is a quotation attributed to both John F. Kennedy…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in lockdowns/quarantines. When people went outside again, some were shocked at how expensive it was. "i havent been out in soooo long i forgot how…
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic resulted in lockdowns/quarantines. When people went outside again, some were shocked at how expensive it was. "i havent been out in soooo long i forgot how…
"Fork yeah" -- a euphemism for "fuck yeah" -- is a food term that has been printed on many images. "Fork yeah!" was printed in the Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald on…
"Unpalatable" (disagreeable or distasteful) is not the same thing as "unpalletable" (involving a pallet), but there are jokes. "Forklift operators do not care for puns -…
"Form (ever) follows function" is the famous axiom of Chicago-based architect Louis Sullivan (1856-1924). Form Follows Finance: Skyscrapers and Skylines in New York and Chicago (1995) by…
"Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying is from American entrepreneur, author and…
"That's it, Fort Pitt" (or "Fort Pitt, that's it") is a saying that has been printed on many images. Fort Pitt opened in 1761 and was the site of what became the city…
The famous slogan of Fort Worth, Texas, is "Where the West begins." Fort Worth (TX) Star-Telegram publisher Amon G. Carter (1879-1955) disliked Dallas so much, he called it "Where…
"A happy medium" is a saying that doesn't mean a fortune teller, but there are jokes. "All fortune tellers seem to be either depressed or hysterically manic. Why can't I…
A college basketball game is 40 minutes long. University of Arkansas basketball coach Nolan Richardson applied a pressure defense that he called "40 minutes of hell" (or "forty…
A rugby team has eight forwards and seven backs; the forwards try to gain and retain possession of the ball, and the backs are faster and have better kicking skills. "Forwards win matches and…
"FYI, you pee on a jellyfish sting, not a jelly stain. Again my apologies to the lady at the Waffle House this morning" is a joke that has been printed on many images. "Found out…