An etymological dictionary

Investigating the origins of American words, names, quotations and phrases. Over 38,000 entries.

“Six-star hotels are overrated”

Most hotels are rated on a five-star system, with five stars being the highest rating. A joke is that a 6-star hotel or a 7-star hotel is "overrated." "6-star hotels are…

“6-star hotels are overrated”

Most hotels are rated on a five-star system, with five stars being the highest rating. A joke is that a 6-star hotel or a 7-star hotel is "overrated." "6-star hotels are…

“7-star hotels are overrated”

Most hotels are rated on a five-star system, with five stars being the highest rating. A joke is that a 6-star hotel or a 7-star hotel is "overrated." "6-star hotels are…

“Seven-star hotels are overrated”

Most hotels are rated on a five-star system, with five stars being the highest rating. A joke is that a 6-star hotel or a 7-star hotel is "overrated." "6-star hotels are…