“What does a Jewish pirate say?”/“Ahoy vey!”
A Jewish riddle -- and a pirate riddle -- is: Q: What does a Jewish pirate say?A: Ahoy vey! "Ahoy vey" (oy vey + ahoy) was posted on the newsgroup soc.culture.jewish.parenting on January…
A Jewish riddle -- and a pirate riddle -- is: Q: What does a Jewish pirate say?A: Ahoy vey! "Ahoy vey" (oy vey + ahoy) was posted on the newsgroup soc.culture.jewish.parenting on January…
"Honk if you love Jesus" is a popular bumper sticker that has been cited in print since at least 1971. A question was posted on the newsgroup alt.religion.christian-teen on March 28,…
When people "take the train home," they do not literally "take" the train, but a riddle is: Q: What happened to the monster that took the five o'clock train home?A: He had…
A car riddle is: Q: What has three letters and starts with gas? A: A car. The riddle has been cited in print since at least 2012. Twitter medschool.@VivaLaAliWhat has 3 letters and starts with…
"Autocorrect" doesn't correct autos, but there are jokes. This was posted on Twitter by Fridge Boy on June 22, 2014: "What idiot called it 'car repair,' and not…
A catamaran doesn't contain any meringue, but there's a riddle: Q: What is white, sugary, has whiskers and floats on the sea?A: A catameringue. The "catameringue" pun has been…
A driver riddle has been printed on several images: Q: What kind of driver never gets a ticket?A: A screwdriver. The joke has been cited in print since at least 1969. 22 May 1969, San Diego (CA)…
A classic riddle about Noah's Ark has been cited in print since at least 1906, from the Yonkers (NY) Statesman: Q: What kind of lights did Noah have in the ark?A: Arc lights. A different…
A classic riddle about Noah's Ark has been cited in print since at least 1906, from the Yonkers (NY) Statesman: Q: What kind of lights did Noah have in the ark?A: Arc lights. A different…
A train riddle is: Q: What kind of noise does a train make? A: A low commotion. The "locomotion" pun was posted on Reddit -- Dadjokes on February 23, 2022. X/Twitter Bury Bob @burybob…
A pick-up truck doesn't necessarily have good pick-up lines to pick up dates, but there are jokes. This riddle has been cited in print since at least 2018 and was popularized on a Laffy Taffy…
Jelly wobbles, but it usually doesn't fly like a helicopter. A popular food riddle is: Q: What wobbles when it flies?A: A jelly-copter. The "jellycopter" joke has been cited in print…
A "paradox" ("pair of docks") riddle is: Q: What's a paradox?A: Two places to park your boat. "A paradox is two places to park boats" has been cited in print…
American stand-up comedian and actor Jerry Seinfeld hosted the television show Saturday Night Live on April 18, 1992, and a sketch involved him hosting the game show "Stand-Up and Win"…
American stand-up comedian and actor Jerry Seinfeld hosted the television show Saturday Night Live on April 18, 1992, and a sketch involved him hosting the game show "Stand-Up and Win"…
Are people who own expensive sports cars all pricks? A joke has been cited in print since at least 1986: Q: What's the difference between a porcupine and a Porsche?A: The porcupine has little…
A "one stops the nose, and the other knows the stops" riddle has had three difference variations. A "church organist" variation was cited in 1862: "What is the difference…
A joke about an electric car (or just a poor car brand) is: Q: What's the difference between a golf ball and an electric car?A: A golf ball can be driven more than 300 yards. The joke has been…
Bugs hit windshields, and there's a riddle about it: Q: What's the last thing that goes through a fly's mind when it hits a windshield?A: His ass. The joke has been cited in print…
A popular joke involves someone who asks a local person about the quickest route (to New York City, London, Dublin, or some other city), and the local gives him the quickest mode of transportation…