“Are we there yet?”

"Are we there yet?": is a question that children, sitting in the back seat, ask to parents in the front seat during a family car trip. The question was popularized in an "Uncle…

“Are we there, Yeti?”

"Are we there yet?" is the classic question that children sitting in the back seat of a car ask a parent (in the front seat, such as the driver) on a long road trip. "Are we there,…

“Bike hair, don’t care”

"Bike hair, don't care" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Biker hair, don't are" has also been printed on many images. The speaker cares more about…

“Biker hair, don’t care”

"Bike hair, don't care" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Biker hair, don't are" has also been printed on many images. The speaker cares more about…