
According to Groundhog Day tradition, if a groundhog sees its shadow on February 2nd, this means six more weeks of winter. Many people people this tradition makes no sense, and the term…

Airpocalypse (air + apocalypse)

"Airpocalypse" (air + apocalypse) is a term that was coined in January 2013 to describe China's air pollution problem. The "airpocalypse" term has been used in India and in…

Blursday (blurs + day)

The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic resulted in quarantines. For many people, the days and months blended together. "Blursday" (blurs + day) and "Maprilay" (May + April) are two…

Cabbage Night (October 30th)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Other Halloween-related nights include Chalk Night, Corn Night, Devil's Night, Doorbell Night, Gate Night, Goosey Night, Mischief Night, Moving Night and Soap Night.…

Chalk Night (October 30th)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Other Halloween-related nights include Cabbage Night, Corn Night, Devil's Night, Doorbell Night, Gate Night, Goosey Night, Mischief Night, Moving Night and Soap…