Cabbage Night (October 30th)

Entry in progress—B.P.
Other Halloween-related nights include Chalk Night, Corn Night, Devil’s Night, Doorbell Night, Gate Night, Goosey Night, Mischief Night, Moving Night and Soap Night.
Wikipedia: Mischief Night
Mischief Night is an informal holiday on which children and teenagers engage in pranks and vandalism. It is known by a variety of names (see below)
In rural Niagara Falls, Ontario, during the 1950s and 1960s, Cabbage Night (French: Nuit de Chou) referred to the custom of raiding local gardens for leftover rotting cabbages and hurling them about to create mischief in the neighborhood. Today, the night is still celebrated in Ontario but is commonly known as “Cabbage Night” in parts of Vermont; Connecticut; Bergen County, New Jersey; Upstate New York; Northern Kentucky; Newport, Rhode Island; Western Massachusetts; and Boston, Massachusetts.[6]