“Houston is an hour away from Houston”

"Houston is an hour away from Houston" is a popular saying for two reasons: (1) Houston is the largest city in the United States in total area, and (2) there is a lot of traffic. "It…

“Houston is two hours away from Houston”

"Houston is an hour away from Houston" is a popular saying for two reasons: (1) Houston is the largest city in the United States in total area, and (2) there is a lot of traffic. Some…

“Houston Proud”

"Houston Proud" was a 1986 promotional campaign from the Houston Economic Development Commission to promote the city after oil revenues took a hit on the city's fortunes. It was…

“Houston, we have a problem”

"Houston, we have a problem" was the alleged statement made from Apollo 13 to Houston space command in April 1970. The actual statement differs slightly from that. Apollo 13 successfully…

“Houston. It’s Worth It”

"Houston. It's Worth It" ("HIWI" for short) began in 2004; the unusual city promotional campaign acknowledges Houston's many problems, but declares that the city it…

“Houston’s Hot”

"Houston's Hot" was the slogan when President George Bush held an 1990 Economic Summit in Houston. Some people have stated that some advertising person received a fortune for stating…

“How ‘bout them Cowboys?”

"How 'bout them Cowboys!" is what Dallas Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson said on January 17, 1993, after a 30-20 victory over the San Francisco 49ers that would send the Cowboys into…

“How the cow ate the cabbage”

"How the cow ate the cabbage" means to tell everything ("straight talk"), like the cow eats everything. Ann Richards (then Texas State Treasurer) used "how the cow ate the…