“How many Aggies/Texans does it take to eat an armadillo?”

This one has made the rounds of several internet joke files:
Q: How many Aggies/Texans does it take to eat an armadillo?
A: Three. One to eat the creature, and two to stop traffic.
Google Groups: net.jokes.d
From:  Prentiss Riddle
Date:  Thurs, Feb 9 1984 5:02 pm
No, no, no, the joke should be:
Q: How many Aggies does it take to eat an armadillo?
A: Three. One to eat and two to watch for cars.
Google Groups: rec.humor
From:  Chuck Smart
Date:  Thurs, Mar 22 1990 7:31 pm
How many Texans does it take to eat an armadillo?
Three: one to eat, and 2 to watch for traffic.