New Yorker (inhabitant of New York)

George Washington (1732-1799) is often -- incorrectly -- given credit for coining "New Yorker":

"Although Washington lived in New York only briefly, the earliest known use of the term 'New Yorker' in a published work is found in a letter he wrote in 1756." -- New York (NY) Times, FYI, City section, 4 July 2004.

"New Yorker" (a person from New York City or New York State) has been cited in print since at least 1733.

7 January 1733, The New-York Weekly Journal (New York, NY), pg. 3, col. 1:
(Signed. -- ed.)
An honest New-Yorker.

ITEM #7572
February 25, 1746
The Pennsylvania Gazette
PHILADELPHIA, February 25.
By a Gentleman from Virginia we are informed, that the Seven Transports, mentioned in our last, from Gibraltar, with the Forces for Cape Breton, and the two Men of War, their Convoy, are arrived in James River.

Thursday last arrived the Privateer Snow Warren, of this Place, Capt. Kattur, from a Cruize. She took off of Cape Antonio a French Privateer Sloop, of 12 Carriage Guns, from Cape Francois, Capt. Quideaux; she had Fifty five Hands, and an English Pilot, on board, and was bound to the Havannah, to get more Men, to come and cruize on this Coast early in the Spring. Capt. Kattur likewise retook the Schooner Endeavour, belonging to this Port, which had been taken by the above Privateer: He sent both Privateer and Schooner to Providence.

Capt. Kattur informs us, that the Privateer Snow Dreadnought, of St. Christophers, Capt. Cunningham, lately refitted here, being on a Cruize to the Windward of Cape Francois, on the 15th of November last, fell in with two Privateers of New York, and one of Bermuda. The same Day they saw five Sail of French Merchantmen (Part of the Fleet whose Convoy had an Engagement with some of our Men of War lately in the Windward Passage) whom the Privateers all agreed to fight. Captain Cunningham accordingly engaged the Frenchmen, but was assisted by none of his Consorts; and after exchanging some Broadsides with them, bore down upon the Privateers, to know the Reason of their not coming up: They made some frivolous Excuse, and told him, that if he would engage a second time, they would give him all the Assistance they could. Upon which, he next Day engaged four of the Ships very smartly under his Lee, during which Time the New Yorkers dropt astern. Capt. Cunningham finding there was no Help to be expected from them, got from the Ships as well as he could, and again bore down on them, to know why they used him so basely; they could not excuse themselves, but desired him to engage a third time, and they would certainly come up, which he refused, and went to Jamaica to...

Colden, Lord Cadwallader, 1688-1776, Letters and Papers of Cadwallader Colden, vol. 9: 1749-1775. New York, NY: New York Historical Society, 1937, pp. 489.
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From John Colden
Janry 17th 1749/50
Hond Sir
On New Years day I had the great happiness to receive yours of Decr 25th & I hope there is now Letters again for me in Town by Mr Mathews who I hear is just now Come to Town but don't know where to find him & as Mr Crooke is goeing out of Town tomorrow I cant delay writeing longer than this Evening; the Court being to meet early in the Morning. The letters to My Sisters &c. I have had by me wrote this three weeks but could
Page 63
hear of no opperty to Convey them till now I delay'd writeing to you Sr & my Mother in hopes of having something to offer better worth your Acceptance & I must now beg my Mother, Br Colden & Br Cadwr to excuse my not writeing to them being fatigued & it being now Late but propose to Perform that Duty by Mr Mathew. The person that had spoke to Collins about the Land at Canajohary was Marte V Alstyne who offering so litle as £70 for the whole we are not like to Come to any Agreemt The new Judges [30] very much alter the Face of the Court here & Things I hope will go on agreably & I may now say that I have nothing to chagrin me & am in good health & Sr That You my Mother Brs & Sistrs &c. may enjoy the same & every other Blessing is the sincere Prayer of Dr Sr

Your most Dutifull & Ever Obedt Son
John Colden
The Town is full of New Yorkers cheifly opponents who are endeavouring to make a Stir among the People for a new Election
[Addressed:] [Cadw]allader Colden Esqr att Coldengham

ITEM #12897
May 2, 1751
The Pennsylvania Gazette
NEW YORK, April 29.
Yesterday arrived here Capt. Tucker in a sloop, and Capt. Foster in a Brigt. from Antigua.

We hear that this Day a great Cricket Match is to be playon our Commons by a Company of London against a Company of New Yorkers.
ITEM #13482
September 12, 1751
The Pennsylvania Gazette
NEW YORK, Sept. 9.
Friday Morning last Jonathan Woodman, the Person who was committed to our Jail some Time ago for uttering Counterfeit Twenty Shilling Bills of this Province, was found hanging dead in his Garters at the Grate of his Prison: — Tis said he had been under Terrors and Anguish of Mind for some Time past; which his Confederate has been pleased to say, was occasioned by his Guilt for impeaching of him, and is now in Hopes, as there is no other material Evidence against him, that he will get clear, tho'he appears to have been the greatest Rogue of the two. However that be, this Woodman from his first Commitment, apprehended he must die; and therefore is supposed to be either so charitable, as to think to save the Hangman the Labour, or else hung himself to save his Life: And a Pity the other would not follow his Example; as all such Pests of Society ought to be lookon as scarce worthy of the Labour of a Hangman. —- There were two Men in the same Jail with him, who were asleep when he did it, and knew nothing of the Matter till they found him hanging in the Morning.

We have Advice from Halifax in Nova Scotia, that there is such a Number of New Yorkers got to that Place, since the first Settlement of it, as well nearly fill one of the largest Streets in the Town, and that they are about to form themselves in one Street, into a Society or Company by the Name of the Free New York Fishery Company at Nova Scotia; and that all that shall hereafter come there from new York, provided they come as one of King DavidSoldiers...

TEM #16704
March 26, 1754
The Pennsylvania Gazette
NEW YORK, March 18.
Capt. White of the Snow Charming Sally, who was reported in our late News papers to be blown off this Coast the Beginning of November, bound in here, from Waterford in Ireland, and to have put into Antigua, arrived here on Friday last in 18 Days from the Virgin Islands: He advises of the safe Arrival thither of Capt. Tingley in a Sloop of this Port, from Antigua: That several New Yorkers , and other Northern Vessels were at those Islands preparing for their Return home, as fast as the Crops would admit: And that the Night in which he sailfrom St. Eustatia, a large French Schooner, in the...

New York (NY) Times
July 11, 2004
Areport in the F.Y.I. column last Sunday about places in Manhattan where George Washington and other early national leaders lived credited Washington incorrectly with coining the term "New Yorker." A 1756 letter by Washington was not the first published work in which it appeared. It was used in an article in The Pennsylvania Gazette in 1746.