New York Pest (New York Post nickname)

New York Pest is an unflattering nickname of the New York (NY) Post newspaper. In 1962, a strike edition parody of the Post was called the Pest, but the Pest nickname has become popular since 1999—usually on liberal blogs and with the tabloid newspaper rival New York Daily News
Wikipedia: New York Post
The New York Post is the 13th-oldest newspaper published in the United States and is generally acknowledged as the oldest to have been published continuously as a daily, although – as is the case with most other papers – its publication has been periodically interrupted by labor actions. Since 1993, it has been owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. It is the sixth-largest newspaper in the U.S. by circulation. Its editorial offices are located at 1211 Avenue of the Americas, in New York City, New York.
YAHOO! Groups: a-act   
Wed Sep 1, 1999 2:17 pm
Dear NY Pest:
Read your editorial on Tim LaPietra. Your ignorance doesn’t surprise me.
6 January 2000, New York (NY) Amsterdam News, “Go with the Flo” by Florence Anthony, pg. 28:
According to my source, you shouldn’t believe anything that you read in the New York Daily Snooze or the New York Pest about the status of Puff Daddy and Jennifer Lopez’s relationship.
The Nation
Letters By Our Readers
This article appeared in the March 11, 2002 edition of The Nation.
New York City
David Glenn refers to the editors of the pernicious New York Pest saying they were “rethinking their support” for increased CUNY funding because faculty have dared to criticize US policy in Afghanistan. What a joke! Both the malignant New York trash papers, the Pest and the Daily Ooze, have been enemies of City University for years.
Democratic Underground
Thu Mar-31-05 02:16 PM
Yes, I called it the “Murdoch Post” in the thread opener.
AKA “The New York PEST.”
“isn’t this a Murdoch publication?” Catch
Thu Mar-31-05 02:20 PM
. . . and not “pest” as in annoyance, but “pest” as in PESTILENCE—something destructive and pernicious.
Financial News
Murdoch, Zuckerman may combine NY printing: source (Reuters)
Tuesday, July 15th, 2008 | Finance News
NEW YORK (Reuters) -
Bitter rivals New York Post owner Rupert Murdoch and New York Daily News owner Mortimer Zuckerman may combine the printing, distribution and back office operations of their New York newspapers, a source familiar with the discussions said on Tuesday.
The source confirmed a New York Times’s website report about the preliminary discussions.
The tabloid newspapers have waged a decades-long battle for readers and advertisers through the streets of New York City.
The papers have rarely wasted an opportunity to go for the jugular, attacking each other on its pages. The Post frequently refers to the Daily News as “The Daily Snooze,” while the Daily News has referred to the Post as the “New York Pest.”
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A letter to the New York Pest
Better late than never, we suppose: On Wednesday the New York Post, conservative mouthpiece of media buccaneer Rupert Murdoch announced plans for something unprecedented in The Post’s history, and (given its history for journalism and editorializing that’s biased and ethnically insensitive) totally unexpected.
The Post, part of the global vertically integrated media octopus known as News Corporation, has agreed to form a diversity council in response to the public outcry about a Post cartoon that critics said likened President Obama to a dead chimpanzee shot to death by police.
New York (NY) Times
Sidney Zion, Writer Who Crusaded to Reduce Doctors’ Hours, Dies at 75
Published: August 2, 2009
Mr. Zion practiced criminal law in northern New Jersey in the late 1950s and in the early 1960s was a federal prosecutor in New Jersey. In 1962, Victor Navasky, a colleague who later became editor and publisher of The Nation, asked him to write a parody of the journalist Murray Kempton for his satirical magazine Monocle’s newspaper-strike parody of The New York Post, called The New York Pest. It was his springboard to journalism.
Media Decoder Blog -
November 9, 2009, 8:30 am
At The Post, Fewer Sales and Less Swagger
November 9, 2009
9:34 am
When former publisher Dorothy Schiff sold the newspaper to Rupert Murdoch in the 1970’s, he not only made it more gossip ridden, but more importantly, he turned it into a precurser to ‘journalism’ as the FOX News Channel ‘fair and balanced’ exteme right wing daily (just read a copy of it) so that the 150+ year old paper evolved into:

THE NEW YORK PEST (sic and sick).
Even though Murdoch (and parent company News Corp.) is continuously loosing money the Austrailian publisher is still addicted to ink and newsprint — especially in the capital of the world.
[Even under Dorothy Schiff, The New York Post (then Liberal) was never a serious vehicle for news like NYT and the WP.]
THE PEST is still quite appropriate for wrapping fish.
— David Chowes, New York City
Huffington Post
Posted 09:25 PM on 11/10/2009
Ah yes, the New York Pest, aka Rupert’s Rag. It’s sunk so low since he took over that they’ll need to do it in Chinese, since that’s where it’ll emerge.